Range Report 22-250 AI, 257 wby & 375 ICL


May 19, 2007
Took out the 22-250 AI tonight, it shot 0.7 edge to edge on a 4 shot group with winchester 45 grn jhp value pack....... Not bad for a case forming mission. Th fifth round I didn't measure into the group as it was the first shot at the range and was an inch off.

My .257 wby weighed in with a 0.60 edge to edge group for a 0.44" group center to center, not bad for a stock Wby Vanguard with a Bushnell Banner 3-9X40. Load was a 117 BTSP Hornady over 77 grns of WC 868 and a Fed 215. Case: Nosler Custom 7mm rem mag reworked to 257 wby and necks turned to 0.0105" neck wall thickness.
I actually never intended to use this load for anything more than forming the cases, but it shoots like a match load. Funny, this rifle generally shoots that way. It will be the deer rifle again this year, no question, I am confident in my shots with it.

The new 22-250AI isn't much different, but I know it will not down a deer with the authority of the 257. I can't wait for my dies to come in. This rifle shoots great with :oops: junk :oops: that used to be something I only used if I had too. I do, however have 22-250 dies and a hundred cases or so to make form loads with. I bought some Sierra gameking 55 grn BTHP's to form with. $21/100 in Canada is pretty cheap with the insane prices that stuff goes for now. I have no intention of wasting my preciously small supply of 50 grn NBT's on forming :twisted: those are for the go FAST loads......

My 375 ICL came out tonight and I tried her with full power improved loads instead of just factory 375H&H loads. 84.5grns of W760 under a 300 grain Nosler Partition. QL suggests 2750FPS with this load and once again expecting to get rained out, I never brought the chrony. It shot about 2" and I had to adjust my zero up about 8" from the 270 grain fedral loads I bought. It hit exactly where I aimed it on the last shot, but recoil is pretty stout even with a 12.5 lbs rifle. I beleive that the load was alot better than I shot, I will test it properly next time with a lead sled. No sense in getting abused by it off the bench. I will also install sling studs on it, likely two fore and one aft. I hate to admit it, but I'm becoming very dependent on a good secure shooting platform.

It's 1130 and I'll post pics later.

G'night and great shooting everybody.


Prayers and sympathy for the people at the Big Valley Jamboree in Camrose, Alberta tonight that were involved with the tornado that tore down the main stage, killing one person, sending 4 to the hospital in critcal condition and injuring 60 others.
Thank you for posting the results J.
Now post the pix! :lol:
Well all the fun is over with now. You might as well sell them all and get some other rifle/calibers to conquer. :)

LOL, c'mon longwinters. You know I'm not talking about the ones that I haven't got shooting yet :grin:

I've got a 7mm WSM Model 70 Super Shadow that I've been working on and almost have shooting well, but it's still in the 1 MOA range down from 5 MOA. I lightened up the trigger to 1.5lbs., lapped the lugs lightly and cleaned it.
I think I may need to reglass the recoil lug. It had a small amount of bedding material on it from the facotry, but it's come loose with me taking off the stock and needs to be redone.

There is an odd amount of wear on the top of the bolt and the shiny finish is almost worn off of one of the bolt lugs. I lapped the lugs a little bit to try and make sure they were engaging equally. They seem to be engaging fine now.


You seem to get into it a lot more than I would trust myself to do. I have the mechanical aptitude of a squash. Now if I saw it done, in real life, I think I could do it but that has not happened. That is why I am waiting for my lastest acquisition to come back from Hill Country. 7 weeks and counting.

Must be quite satisfying. :)

I'm alot more likely to mess around with a rifle that I got cheap because it wasn't shooting very well. I bought this 7 WSM well below market value. It's the first one I've lapped and it was alot eaier than I thought it would be.
I applied Valve grinding compound to the lug face and plugged the chamber with cotton balls before putting the bolt in and working the handle until the lug surfaces looked like they had all been buffed alittle bit. i would put the bolt in work it a bout 10 times and check the faces. According to my gunsmith, the biggest thing to watch for is to not go too deep and remove the hardened metal, exposing the softer metal underneath and not to get lapping compound on the bolt races(where the bolt rides back and forth). You bolt or action would wear out quickly then.
After I was satisfied that the lugs were evened up, I cleaned out the receiver ring where the lugs engage with brake kleen and ran a few patches to ensure the bore didn't have any abrasive material in it.

The trigger set was easy after I got the epoxy off the threads, :twisted:
I am a bit intimidated by the bedding job it needs, but I'll get to that when I get to it. It's shooting good enough to hunt with already and is a really nice light little rifle, so it'll be good for a smaller hunter.


I got the M70 shooting 3/4 MOA with 20 FPS spread @ .010" off the lands and a charge of IMR 4831, 1 grain below Nosler #6 max.
And then I traded it off on a Ruger #1 in 7mm Rem, lol I had to leave the old VariX II on it tho.

That is some fine shooting, indeed. The 7mm WSM is undoubtedly my favourite of all the WSMs. I have found after loading for quite a few that it tends to shoot the most consistently of all. That is no slam on the other WSMs, because they shoot very well indeed. Those are some fine groups with the 22-250AI and the 257 Wby. I like Longwinters' suggestion. Since there is an international border between you and him, you might as well send them over to me and start on the next challenge.