Range Report 30-06 Hawkeye

POP":2u4drdxu said:
It has happened to me before also.

POP, you know what would be cool is that this rifle might really shoot well. When you consider that some of the groups were actually just under and inch with a loose front base screw. Sure would be cool if it did. Lot of work to do over again and four bullets to test again using three different powders but I am glad that it was a loose scope than a manufacturing problem. :grin:
I think you're going to really like the way she shoots now. Boy what a find. These new rifles and the quality built into them is phenomenal. And now you're going to be on fired brass and not new brass.:grin:
GB300wm":3bkxjoin said:
I think you're going to really like the way she shoots now. Boy what a find. These new rifles and the quality built into them is phenomenal. And now you're going to be on fired brass and not new brass.:grin:

Yes Jerry, I believe you are right about this rifle doing better since the scope is tight and I will be using fired brass. Man we have nothing but rain in the forecast, but it says 60 to 50%. I HAVE GOT IT BAD AND I want to shoot this rifle so bad I just might take tomorrow off and shoot between the thunderstorms. The shooting range is covered and it starts lightening I will just get in my truck. I have got it bad, but I just got to know. We will see in the morning. :lol:
I feel 4 U. Visibility is less than 25 yards right now...... :cry:
It was not the day to shoot between thunder, lightening and rain along with wind at times but it could have been worse, I could have not shot at all. :lol: :lol:

I shot the 30-06 Hawkeye and the 358Win today and Mr. Magic the 358Win strutted his stuff and the 30-06 Son of Thunder did not do bad today considering my limited loads.

30-06 IMR4350 165gr Sierra HPBT, I did not have any H4350 to try today.


Extreme Spread

30-06 RL-22 Sierra HPBT

30-06 IMR4350 220gr Sierra RN


Extreme Spread

358Win AA2495 225gr Sierra SBT

This was a three shot group not four, the bottom hole was a 30-06 round.
Not bad bullet, especially considering the weather. It came through us fast and furious last night at around 1 am. We had 60-70 mph winds. I had Gustav flashbacks.
I see that 358 it spot on and I believe with a little more work that the '06 will be. Keep up the good work. :grin:
GB300wm":2vuwbz7b said:
Not bad bullet, especially considering the weather. It came through us fast and furious last night at around 1 am. We had 60-70 mph winds. I had Gustav flashbacks.
I see that 358 it spot on and I believe with a little more work that the '06 will be. Keep up the good work. :grin:

I am not through by any means because I need to do some more loads with IMR4350 and H4350. Also, a guy was talking to me and I got into conversation and when I tried to shoot the third shot with the 220gr bullet I did not take proper time and did not allow myself to settle down before I pulled the trigger. That will be an amazing load at 2516fps and has more energy and a slightly better trajectory than the 358Win 225gr bullet which is doing 2425fps.

I am going to put together next week some new loads and will have some IMR4350 and H4350 to work with and I will start a clean thread.
I am thinking a little bedding or free floating might be required here, Credit card trick first. Much easier to remove than to add.
POP":2eq6g95j said:
I am thinking a little bedding or free floating might be required here, Credit card trick first. Much easier to remove than to add.

Tell me what you mean by using the credit card and how do I do that.
I will be trying new powder and bullets next week and if my loads next week do not tighten up even though these are ok for hunting, I will have to do a few little tricks to the bedding or even freefloating. But it is to early to determine that yet. Have not put enough rounds through the rifle yet nor am I happy with my shooting these last two times out. To much has happened that mess up true results while taking this rifle to the range and shooting it. Until I am satisfied with my shooting technique and have tried all I can with loads then I will consider some other things.
bullet":1qv63kup said:
POP":1qv63kup said:
I am thinking a little bedding or free floating might be required here, Credit card trick first. Much easier to remove than to add.

Tell me what you mean by using the credit card and how do I do that.

The first thing I do is to try the gun with a free-floated barrel (unless it is a phenomenal shooter as is). What I do is take an old credit card (a part of it actually) or a neoprene washer and place it in the stock directly in front of the action (under the barrel) to lift the barrel off the pressure point. If it shoots great free-floated then I remove the pressure point that almost every maker puts in there..........

If it does not shoot well then .....
1. I did not alter the gun.
2. I know that either I may have a problematic barrel or I need to bed the action to the rifle BUT with some kind of pressure point built in or retained.
POP":1outp7lp said:
bullet":1outp7lp said:
POP":1outp7lp said:
I am thinking a little bedding or free floating might be required here, Credit card trick first. Much easier to remove than to add.

Tell me what you mean by using the credit card and how do I do that.

The first thing I do is to try the gun with a free-floated barrel (unless it is a phenomenal shooter as is). What I do is take an old credit card (a part of it actually) or a neoprene washer and place it in the stock directly in front of the action (under the barrel) to lift the barrel off the pressure point. If it shoots great free-floated then I remove the pressure point that almost every maker puts in there..........

If it does not shoot well then .....
1. I did not alter the gun.
2. I know that either I may have a problematic barrel or I need to bed the action to the rifle BUT with some kind of pressure point built in or retained.

Thank you for taking the time to explain this to me. I might be trying that soon.

the most economical way to try something different without altering anything.
POP":175p6fbe said:

the most economical way to try something different without altering anything.

POP, I said to myself what is the difference between my 358 that consistently shoots pretty good and this 30-06. Well, cut me an old credit card and worked with it till it fit the slot and then mounted the barrel back in the stock and it did not lift the barrel enough to clear the front pressure area of the stock. In fact the barrel wiggled even more than before and the stock seemed to put pressure on one side more than the other.

So I got the 358 out and noticed that the barrel was firmly held by the front of it's stock and did not wiggle any at all even when I tried hard to make it do so. So I said to myself what could I put at the end of the stock on the 30-06 so it would not wiggle and be held firm with the rifle bolted down without the credit card piece that I had made for it.

I use a peace of duck tape, that's right a peace of duck tape and the barrel is as firm as the 358. I will try this first. In fact the duck tape fit real nice tape to the stock and you can't even see it. I will begin here and see what happens. I will shoot tomorrow afternoon and see if there is any improvement at all. If it works then it will be a cheap fix. I could live with this rifle hunting but not with my standard of expectation. So we will see. If I had not use the credit card thing you mentioned I would not have figured out the end of the stock was loose where the pressure is supposed to be applied. Thanks.
You miss understood, I did place the credit card piece under the main lug, I did not place it under the barrel at the front end of the stock. :shock:

I knew what you meant. I did it and it just made the problem of the front of the stock wiggle more than it was already wiggling. The reason I took the credit card piece out and put the tape under the barrel at the front of the stock is that I want the front of the stock to put presser like it is suppose to so it allows a rifle to shoot a lot of different weight bullets and ammo well. A freefloated barrel has the tendency to shoot just certain loads extremely well.
I see....Placing anything in the recoil mortice will produce inconsistent groups. Too much movement of the action in the stock . This is what bedding eliminates.
POP":ndidelo2 said:
I see....Placing anything in the recoil mortice will produce inconsistent groups. Too much movement of the action in the stock . This is what bedding eliminates.

The action was very stiff when I put the piece of credit card in and tightened the screw down, but it lifted the barrel enough to really exaggerate the movement of the front of the stock although it had been moving just a little I noticed from time to time when I grabbed the front of the stock. Doing what you suggested put me on the idea of trying the rifle with fore end presser first. If what I am doing does not work I will have it bedded.
Well, that did not work, trying something else now. Sure hope I am close, think I am. :grin: