I have been fortunate over the years to have been able to spend a fair amount of time in the out of doors. While doing so I have seen a few animals that are rare, or actually endangered. It is not uncommon for hunters in the NW to have seen Grizzly Bears or lions and such. But I saw a Wolverine in Idaho a few years ago and last saturday I saw another very rare animal. I was doing a morning hike (6 miles) in Joshua Tree National Park, I had just finished my 3 mile leg and had turned around and headed back to the trailhead, when I just about fell over a Desert Tortoise. He was not a big one (probably 6 +pounds), and was sunning himself right in the middle of the trail. I took a couple of pictures and then picked him up and moved him away from the trail, out of sight. Thought it was worth mentioning, anyone else have something unusual to share?????