RCBS Universal Primer Seater


Oct 10, 2004
Just went to Shields in Appleton WI and checked out their hunting/reloading area. I was surprised how jacked up their prices were on reloading componants and how few rifles they had. No more Sako's, Kimbers or other higher end rifles.

But I did see the RCBS Universal Primer tool. No more changing out shell holders....I liked that idea a lot. So it came home with me...and I'll see how it works out. I did try some 7m-08 brass in it and it worked real well. But we will seee in the long run.

Been using one since they came out. They are truly great.
I used the Lee counterpart for years, and it always did a decent job but I bought the RCBS version a few years ago and like it much more. It's just a better made tool, and the elimination of shell holders is a real plus.