Record Keeping?


Dec 2, 2010
Do you record the serial numbers on your firearms and store them somewhere? I do but I would like to see if I am missing anything that could help me if something bad were to ever happen to them.
Just about the only thing I'd add is that I keep pictures of each firearm, along with serial numbers. And of scopes or other accessories or stuff of value. Pictures make for very nice proof of condition, etc.
I have photographed all my guns. I have added a description and serial number on the digital photo also, using windows paint. I keep the file on a jump drive as well as on my computer. I also have a second jump drive in my desk at work. Might be overkill but redundant systems are also more successful.
I do this and include photos. I use a word processing document and email it to myself as well as saving it on my home computer and work computer.
Like others stated, I keep a spreadsheet with Model #, Serial #, Description, What scope, rings, bases mounted on it (if applicable), Who I purchased it from, When I purchased it & What I paid for it. Stored on work computer, home computer, flash drive with hard copy and pictures in fireproof safe.
Bruce Mc":1eb1sbvt said:
Might be overkill but redundant systems are also more successful.

Redundancy is a good thing! Might want to burn to a disc and store at a friend's/parent's house. Maybe an online backup (besides e-mail, of course).
Man, Fotis would have to buy a new computer just to keep up with his armory. :lol:
I take pictures of the rifles and their serial numbers and keep them online and burned on a disc at work. Always worried about that. Scotty
I have a list of all my guns including serial number, make, model, caliber, stock type, scope?, unique marks, and pics of each one. A copy of the list is in my fire safe as well as my computer.

Won't be much slowing down for you while you are compelled to babysit Scotty and Brian this fall. I dunno' 'bout shepherding someone wearing buckskins and carrying fish in his pockets and another who is a neophyte in the west. You'll have your hands full. Then, again, you'll deserve your break when you get it. :mrgreen:
It's so sad when I investigate a burglary and guns have been stolen. Often the guy didn't even have them in a metal locking cabinet, and is distraught about the loss of some family heirloom - but hasn't got much of a description for us:

"It was Dad's rifle. An old Winchester .30-06 with a scope."

Okay. Great. Do I know if it's a Pre-64 Supergrade with a Leupold or just a run of the mill 1970's push-feed rifle with a cheap scope? Or even a rifle like mine, the M1917 built by Winchester for WWI, and sporterized later. Nope. Do I have an approximate value? Sure, somewhere between $200 and $2,000+. Do I have a serial number to enter into the nationwide database of stolen guns? Nope. Do I have much chance of identifying this gun if a neighboring jurisdiction turns it up in a search warrant or something? Nope. Does a pawn shop dealer get alerted if it turns out to be a stolen gun - no - not without a serial number.

Secure those guns. Keep a good record - I like a photo too - because when I tell the guys I'm looking for a Model 70, most won't have any clue what that is. They're cops, not gun nuts.

Make sure your insurance covers your guns - many policies don't.

Be careful about sharing your gunsafe combo - I run into a disturbing number of cases where the thief was the gun owners drug addicted adult son... Sad indeed. Kid steals grandpa's gun from dad and sells it for dope. Terrific...

Then there's the whole issue of now the "bad guys" have got yet another gun... When I'm hunting them down, I prefer them to have no guns, or at best a Jennings or Raven .25 auto, not your .44 mag S&W or .45 ACP Series 70 Colt...

Yes - keep multiple copies of the best records you can, and hang onto those guns!

I have a simple excel spreadsheet that I record all of my gun data on, as well as taking photos of all my guns. I also have a insurance policy with Sportsmans Insurance in Fla (Thru Safari Club Intl) to cover all of my guns incase of theft or loss.