Redfield reticles

P.S. my buddy has two of the cheap Leupold Rifleman scopes and both of those are very hard to turn also. Considering Leupold is making the Redfield for similiar price there may be something to it.
Was the power ring easier to turn prior to mounting? If so, sounds like you have some sort of torque issue on the scope tube, or perhaps your rings are "squeezing down" the tube and getting it out of round, which would bind the power ring.

On the other hand, every Leupold scope I've ever handled (and that's in the 100's at this point, on and off rifles, and in the dozens for "shot through") has had a stiff power ring. That's the best thing about my Bushnell Elite's - the ring turns with just a finger, but stays put in the field. I have a Zeiss Conquest that's more difficult than the Bushnell but not like a Leupy, and a Pentax Pioneer (Burris FFII) that's almost as hard as the Leupys, but not quite. Go figure.
Yes, the power ring turned ok prior to mounting in the rings both times. The rings/base is a one piece Talley. I'll try loosening them up a bit but I'm afraid of going to light as the recoil of this light single shot in 7mm Rem mag is not real fun.
If loosening the rings fixes it, what you will know is that your rings are not "round" when tightened up. Then, you can fix it with a lapping kit or go cheap like me and use a very straight 1" oak dowel (Lowe's, Home Depot) and some fine emery paper. If tightening the rings causes the scope tube to distort, that's not good.
Just lap the rings, YS. It's easy. Shoot me a PM and we can talk about it on the phone. Very, very easy. And hard to screw it up.
I have used the Accurange reticles for almost two years now and I am a big beliver in them. The bottom of the circles in the reticle and a 200yd zero work perfectly for a 300yd shot in both rifles that have the Accurange scope. I know sometimes a holdover point is hit-or-miss and it works with one loading and not with others--I got it. For me, a holdover points are much quicker than messing with clicks on the scope at 200, 300, or 400yds. For the most effective shots with my 3-9x scope, the reticle has to be used at 9x. That is what it was designed for. I tried the scope at 7x and 8x but at those levels reticle covers up more of the target. At 9x and a target 300yds away, it is SIMPLE!!