Reloader 16 powders


Feb 13, 2016
I never tried Reloader 16 or 23 powders except the 26. How have the RL 16 powders worked for you in speed and accuracy? Just noticed that there are RL 16 online.
I found Re 16 works great in 270 Win and 130 gr Partition. Velocity 3100 or so in 22" barrel and good groups. I also use in 243 win with 70gr BT. 3640 fps and small groups. It also gives very good accuracy in 220 swift and 55gr bullets but not top velocity. That's all I've done wit Re 16. It seems to behave similar to H 4350.
My brother and I split an 8 lb jug a few years ago. I have been able to get slightly above average in my 6.5 creedmoor but very average accuracy in everything else I have tried it in. Velocity has been slightly above average in 6.5 creedmoor but very average in everything else. I will not buy more once I finish what I have. I like Reloader 17 a lot more than 16.
I like RL-16 and it works very well in my 7 oh 8 with 140 Sierra GK's. Speed is in the low 28 hundreds and accuracy is oh so fine. However, in my rifle it really doesn't do anything that Varget or IMR 4895 won't do and I have plenty of the aforementioned on hand. With my stash of powder I won't be buying any RL-16 for the forseeable future.