Rem 700 Bolt Issues ??


Feb 24, 2006
I wish my photography was a little better, I'd post a pic to make this easier to describe, but can't get a decent pic.

I'm having issues when closing the bolt or opening it with a shell in the chamber. ( New Rem 700 VTR in .223 w/ about 50 rounds through it )

The bolt will close pretty much ok without one in the chamber, at least to the point a little lapping won't solve it.
I've found however that it appears the extractor - claw portion appears to have been manufactured too thick or is set too deep towards the bolt face. This is maring / damaging the rim of the case of which I think is causing the hard bolt operation...?
Am I anywhere close to being on the right path with this?

I have two different lots of Win brass and one bag of Rem brass that I have measured the rim and they are all the same. I was hopefull that I had a bad batch that was too thick, but doesnt' appear to be so.

Is there anything else I can check before going up the flag-pole with it....( yote season ya know - :grin: )

Is it possible that the tube is screwed on too close to permit the neck to fit? A Cerrosafe cast would determine that. Alternatively, attempting to chamber factory ammunition (that is manufactured to SAAMI specs) will address the same thing. I'm more inclined to believe that the chamber is out of spec than that the extractor is flawed.
DrMike's idea is a quick and relatively cheap way to check the chamber.
The one other thing I have run into is the ejector. If the ejector is jammed with brass shards from the casehead do to an overload as the bolt shaved the casehead while opening or it's just not free to recess back into the bolt against the spring for whatever reason it can jam against the case head and make the bolt real difficult to close on a cartridge. Most manufactures have a go/no go gauge they check the chamber with. This is just food for thought. I have experienced it after a pressure problem due to a tight chamber when I was two full grains below the cautious loads in the Nosler manual. My gunsmith had a real hard time freeing the ejector.
Good Luck
I'm still leaning really hard towards the extractor / claw as one of the other post said it perfectly.... it's crushing the side of the rim.
The plunger works fine and I cleaned the bolt face really well before last weekend.
Closing the bolt gives you that galling type of feeling that just isn't right.

Thanks again....
Looks like I should blow the dust off the 22-250 for this weekends yote trip rather than taking this one..... :grin:
I decided to send the gun back with my Dad after x-mas to drop off at the Gun-Smiths.

Might be going a little far with it or more than I initially wanted to, but I know it will be right.....Items on the list...
Sako Extractor
Bush firing pin hole & turn pin
Trigger adjustment - polish sears & re-spring.

Hope to have it back by the weekend..... :grin:

Let us know how she shoots and functions after the tune up.

Powerstroke, I would remove the bolt and hand try a case under the ejector. Loosen the front action screw a couple of turns and try the bolt, could be it is making contact with the bolt. Look for contact with the bolt handle and the stock as the action is closed. Clean the lugs on the bolt and the lug recesses in the action. Disassemble the bolt, clean the heavy grease off and lube the bolt inards. Clean the trigger with a good solvent. Think you might find one of these is your problem.Rick.
I had lapped the lug area and cleaned that real well. I could clean the bolt area real well and after about 5 rounds there would be excessive brass shavings at the bolt face. The case rims are heavily damaged from the claw not being set properly.
Can't say I'm a huge fan of believeing the good ole internet all the time, but google has a rather large amout of info on this......
You could send it back to Rem or take it to a good gunsmith and have him replace the extractor but that shouldn't have an effect when closing on an empty chamber. Did you lapping help with bolt closure on an empty chamber?Rick.
Sorry for my explaination Rick......

Closing the bolt on an empty chamber is ok... just have the issue with putting one in and taking out of the chamber.

I need a little more work on lapping the lugs too... it's better, but I think I can do slightly better with a little more time.

It's funny how I purchased this rifle to be somewhat of my ATV / pack around gun that I didn't have to worry about much, and now it's onward and upward.

I thought about the Remington direction, but am about to give up on them.
I have 13 of them in the safe... mostly all older models around the early 80's... one Sako, one Weatherby.... The last two Rem's I've purchased within the last two years I can't say I'm all that impressed with the detail / finish type work.

The Greg actaully called this a.m. and has it finished and ready for pick-up. Hope to be able to get a round or two out of it yet this weekend.

We have our fingers crossed for ya. :lol:

The gun has been done for quite some time now, but due to crazy schedules I was just now able to get it back in my hands. I'll get back out this weekend with it, but can say already the issue is resolved. Bolt closes easily :grin: If nothing else, the trigger is phenominal now...1.5lbs.
Pictures of the new Sako Style Extractor and the bolt face.
