Remington 700 Question

Nov 30, 2005
I was looking at a used rifle, 700 short action. Factory action. My question is about some small screws in the side of the action. The screws are in the side of the action opposite the bolt handle. They are just visible above the stock, to the rear of the "Remington" logo. They look factory, like the screws that fill the holes where the scope mounts go.
Any in site on these? Was wondering because my 700SA doesn't have these.
Thats an oldy but a goodie action. Those are the mount holes so you could add a rear target/palma like sight like a Lyman or Redfield. I feel the quality in those recievers tend to be better than todays, also the finish was a lot more desirable than the matte of today.

Yep what nodak700 said. If nobody has changed it you will find that the bolt will not open unless you have the safety off. I have one of those actions built into a tight neck 308 Win with a Heart varmint barrel. I cut the little arm that sticks up on the safety leaver that will not allow the bolt to open when on safe. I know that a safety is a mechanical device that may fail but I feel better knowing that I have something that will keep the trigger from releasing most of the time when I go to unload a live round. That is a good one I would get it if the price is right.
I think those were for peep sights? They used to be popular when I was 12 or so. The new Remingtons "will" open with the safety on!
Your right also Elkman, peeps/target sights/palma = reciever, left side mounting mechanical sights...

Seeing those screws to me is an indicator of past quality.... Now gone all in the name of reducing costs along with the beautiful high gloss blued finish.. :cry:

Does that mean you cant release the firing pin by closing the bolt handle, while holding down the trigger? Thanks for the input guys, its a .243 BDL with a douglas barrel and a poorly finished wood thumbhole stock. From what I can see the throat looks OK and all the riflings are there. Their asking $500, no rings or base, its local to me.
I did see 2 700 actions with the side screws, on Snipershide for $380 each.
Some of the local pawn shops a guy get to come down on their price a bit. I kind of enjoy dickering with them sometimes!
Solid action for sure. If the price is right, buy it.

nodak7mm, says
Seeing those screws to me is an indicator of past quality.... Now gone all in the name of reducing costs along with the beautiful high gloss blued finish..

The high gloss on my rifles left about 20 years or so ago. Most all are bead blasted, have a composite stock painted OD green and flat black. My go to rifle has been bead blasted once, on its third scope, third stock, and the stock has been painted twice. The floorplate is shiny again!
Just a note on the safety issue. I use an Ultra Light Arms 3-fuction saftey, that allows the bolt to be opened if you depress or push down on the safety. What it does is to function much the same as the original in that it keeps the bolt locked down when the safety is on. There have been several instances when in hunting situations the bolt has become slightly lifted, upon pulling the trigger energy is used to close the bolt and there is a failure to fire, a problem with the Remington safety. The only draw back to the 3-function saftey is anyone useing the gun needs to know how to use it properly. I have this safety on several fire arms as does my brother and a friend.
barge, what's that safety run? Drop in, or need the help of a gunsmith?
Just looked at NULA's website, and it looks like is $36. Still curious about the installation, though.
It is not hard to install. Remove the E clip and install if I remember correctly its been awhile.
thought I'd mention this will not work on the newer remingtons without gunsmith instalation. The bolt does not have the goove in it to lock it down. On the original style I would check it for funtion both out of stock and in stock. I do not remember having to do anything other than possible adjust for clearance on stock.