Resizing cases


Oct 11, 2006
I have a friend that is trying to resize 308 to 7-08, and they keep getting stuck in his die. Getting stuck when when the deprimming punch is on the way out. Any ideas what is causing that? Lack of lube inside the neck area?

Encourage your friend to use Imperial Sizing Wax on the case and to use a good dry lube on the neck. I use Imperial Application Media, which is graphite mixed in polystyrene balls. You can use the Sizing Wax on the necks if you are so inclined to so so, though I would ensure that it is cleaned thoroughly after sizing.
Lube would help. I would measure the expander ball in the 7/08 die and polish it while it is out of the die. Annealing the necks if they have been fired a few times in the 308. If he has a standard seating die for 7/08, run the 308 cases through it to start the downsizing then through the 7/08 FL die.Rick.