Rifle Basix triger on win 70


Mar 10, 2006
I am so excited! Last night I installed a rifle basix trigger on my 25-06.

I can usually tune in a factory winny trig but this particular one was giving me fits so I thought I'd try an aftermarket.

This thing is awesome!!!!! I love the creep adjustment!!! and the overtravel stop is neet too!!!!

I've just ordered six more!

very impressed!!!!!!!!

If you have a model 70, you need one of these triggers!!!!
They are pretty good triggers. They are a good trigger for a remington as well. They have the lighter pull weight that allows a safety, for half the price of a jewel. I will probly be getting a 4oz-1.5# for my custom rifle, whenever that is.
I'll remember that. Sometimes you never know what really works and what is fluff.