Rifle Safety

I believe the story on that is ice build-up from condensation in the barrel. One thing is certain, it made quick work of that barrel. The shooter certainly put the rifle down quickly!
Add ice to the list then :wink:

I am happy to have never had a catastrophic failure (KNOCK on wood) I did have a ture accidental discharge once which is very rare. I flipped the safety off and the gun fired :shock: Not a good feeling.

I also dropped the slide on a S&W 910 once with a full magazine and it emptied on me :shock: That will wake up the whole range :lol:

That is a real eye opener!
This past spring, I went out coyote hunting with my M700 VLS 22-250.
P slung the rifle for the walk in and the swivel stup pulled out of the forend into the snow. I dusted off the rifle barrel was clear so I went out to my stand. Stud pulled out a second time. although the muzzle appeared to be clean, I went back home to fix the stud problem. I ran a cleaning rod through the bore and to my disbelief, I had a mud plug that I pushed out!

If I would have fired the rifle, it would have been bad news. I am glad I had enough smarts to hunt another day!


I've been with people who had accidental discharges. One hunting partner had a discharge as he chambered a cartridge. Later inspection revealed a slight bit of rust in the chamber. The smith speculated that it was enough to make a tight chamber contributing to a discharge. Whatever, it is not a good feeling to have a bull elk charging in when your partner's rifle is discharging. Fortunately, he practises good muzzle control and the rifle was still pointing skyward.


Good that you ran a rod through the bore. That could have ruined your whole day! A loose sling stud would be a real problem for anyone, and it can sneak up on you quickly and quietly.
About five years ago I was hunting Elk in Colorado third season with plenty of snow on the ground and more coming down. About mid morning I checked my barrel and found it packed with snow. I was able to clear it with a dead branch found on the underside of a pine tree. Since then I always use electrician tape on muzzle. It's cheaper than a new barrel or new rifle.
It's cheaper than a new barrel or new rifle.

I can guarantee that clearing the barrel of your rifle is cheaper than reconstructive surgery for a hand or a face.
It's cheaper than a new barrel or new rifle.

I can guarantee that clearing the barrel of your rifle is cheaper than reconstructive surgery for a hand or a face.