I just got back from the range, and I have great news! The 270Wby I bought a while back (and finally got around to shooting) puts three shots into a little clover under .5"! Actual measurements and photos forthcoming. That said, my problem is that it does this about two inches under the bullseye, with the scope dialed all the way up on the elevation knob. What gives? Bent barrel? Bad scope? Bad scope mounts? I have the option of changing the inserts on the Burris Signature rings out, and gaining back as much as 40" of elevation, but I hate to do that if it's a scope problem. Anybody else have troubles like this? I'm shooting 150gr's at about 3000fps, if that helps. Could the gun be bent and still shoot amazingly consistently? Or could the gun just not like the bullets/loads I have built, as far as point of impact is concerned? I may have to send this scope back, but I hate to do that right before deer season! Help!