Yea it is kinda funny considering My sig. line but it is a customer spec: rig - He ( like everyone else around here ) wanted a cannon !!!! These guns w/ Benchmark barrels and our custom chamber shoot VERY WELL they are just more gun than one needs for 150# whitetails.
Barrel choice here at RifleWorX depends on caliber
for 30cal. We almost always spec a BenchMark ( Very consistent, Very Fast, They breakin quick & foul less than most others. I LOVE THERE 3groove 11twist!!!!!!! Mike Rock does some real good 30cal. barrels as well
for .264 & .284 it is about an even wash between BenchMark & Krieger ( The Krieger seems to be a little less finiky in the .264 bore / but also slower than the BenchMark!!!! ) Both are VERY GOOD BARRELS!!!!! Lilja also makes a fine .264 barrel
for .243 probably choose a Broughton or Krieger ( Broughton being faster on the average )
for .338 would say Broughton / They just work right
Dont ask about .224 - I try REAL hard to not do 22s!!!!!!!!!