Right bullet for 300 win mag

Consequently, Charles, your Brenneke is doing precisely what mine does (velocity wise with the 250 grain AB). That is a great cartridge that deserves far more respect than it has received. However, your 300 Win Mag loaded with 180/200 grain Partitions or ABs will work very well for you on game.
Not wanting to be "that guy", but I'm curious why the 190 LRAB isn't under consideration?

I loaded some in my 300 WM and while I was only hunting deer, and this was WAY more bullet than I needed, it worked great and I got fantastic accuracy from the bench as well. It would have a higher BC and would be a tough bullet so in my mind it would work for your purpose.

I'm asking this more in the sense of trying to learn something for myself than trying to change your mind. Just wanting to see if there is a train of thought I should be considering that I haven't yet.

Ya, there's that guy! :mrgreen: I think the 190 grain LRAB hasn't been mentioned primarily because it is newer. In terms of terminal ballistics and integrity, I can't imagine there would be any question that this bullet will work very well, indeed. For myself, though I have these bullets on my shelf, all my work to date (admittedly with my 300 WSM) has been with 180 grain or 200 grain bullets. The 190 grain LRAB hasn't really had a chance, yet.
Since I have been declared one, I have been looking for a "That Guys Anonymous" chapter for some self help but have struck out so far. Anyone have contact info for them?

While I was at it I looked for "Don't own a 30-06 Anonymous " for Scotty but that has been a no go too.

Time to start a chapter ... of each! (y) Wildgene worked hard to compel Scotty to pick up a 325 WSM. It hasn't worked yet. Others have labored intensively to squeeze him into a mold of picking up a 30-06. Hasn't worked yet. That guy! Ya, don't imagine that'll make much impact on either of you. :mrgreen: If the 190 grain LRAB was readily available and I was just starting a work-up for a 300 WM, I imagine that particular bullet would get a very close look.
Ron, I tried a few of the ABLRs and just wasn't impressed how they held up at close ranges. Not saying they are bad at all but I don't think I shoot far enough to really utilize what they offer.

Saying that I know they kill deer and elk well but the others like the AB and Partition seem to work more inline with what I like to see.

So bottom line, I'm "that guy" as well :lol:
I have used and seen used the 300 Win Mag with the older Barnes 180 XBT for a wad of big game. I started out with the 180 Ballistic Tip ( late 90's) and really tore up an antelope doe and a midsized muley buck with it. I then switched to the Barnes 180 XBT and R22 for right at 3100fps. I have personally killed 1 Impala, 2 Blesbuck, 1 Red hartebeest, 4 Springbuck, 3 Gemsbuck ( the big ones in Namibia) with that load. My friend used the same rifle for 2 Springbuck, 1 big kudu, 1 blue wildebeest, 2 warthog, 1 blesbuck, 1 Impala. I also used the 35 Whelen AI, 340W and 375 H&H. There was not one bit of difference in the field between them and that 300 mag/180 Barnes load. My son in law used his 300 RUM with the 200AB on cow elk around 450yds, one and done. I used the 180AB in a 338 RUM on a big aoudad. I really like them too. BUT...for big, thick skinned, heavy muscled animals, the 180 Barnes TSX or TTSX ( or any good mono bullet) makes that 300 WM a real killer! The bonus is it doesn't tear up lighter big game i.e. deer, Impala, springbuck, pronghorn either.
I shot 4 Texas Hill Country deer with the Federal Blue Box 150 Sierra Pro Hunter load. It acted like Partitions! I was amazed....30 cal entrance, gold ball sized exits, soup in between!
I'll just chime in .... I've loaded the 200AB down to the 165BT in mine and my son's 300WSMs. I've settled on the 190 LRAB for the the high BC along with exceptional accuarcy. Loading with RL26 really performed well.
Like it has been said - NO WRONG answer with Nosler 180 to 200 gn bullets out of the 300s.
I haven't taken any huge critters with the 180gr AB, but have a 154" whitetail on the wall from 2006 that was killed with one. I shot him at 30yds with a real long barreled 300 win that was pushing them 3250fps over 75.5gr of RL22. I had several 180gr Ballistic tips not exit a deer from that rifle, but the AB exited and took a rib out on the entrance and exit. That was the last time I shot a Ballistic tip at a game animal, the Accubonds had me hooked. This year I used my new 300WM and the 180AB at 2956fps to take a nice muley at 358yds and it entered near the hindquarter and exited behind the offside shoulder. It wasn't the shot I wanted but it was the only one I was going to get on the first shooter buck I'd seen in a very heavily pressured unit. I was prone over my pack and knew I could make the shot, and that the bullet was up to the task. We were overlooking a saddle near the edge of the unit where pressure from below was moving deer out to safety. The deer didn't look like he was going to change angles, just keep getting further away.

I love how the ones we have recovered have pretty mushrooms and all weigh at least 60%, usually more, of starting weight. I love how few we recover also! Except for a 25-06 I'm trying 100gr Siroccos in (didn't want to go to a 110gr bullet), and my 264WM where I shoot the Berger VLD's for less wind drift and more BC, I shoot Accubonds in all my game rifles. They haven't let me down and most of my game has been taken with them.