RL 19 in 2506?



Hello all,
Have a cantankerous rifle. The loads for my other one don't perform well in this one.
I like RL19 in the 6 mm and thought it may fit this rifle.
Anyone using 19 in the 2506 w 110 AB or 115 PT?
Dewey, it just so happens I am trying it in the 25-06 right now. I am working with the 115 PT, WW cases and CCI250's.

I loaded up a ladder of 50-51.5-53-54.5 and 55.5.. Only got thru the first three sets, but 51.5 ran about 3030 average speed and groups were okay. Pretty sure I am going to have to play with the seating depth to get them tightened up. I will probably pull the other, higher loads as I am looking for a load around 3000FPS for my wife to use. She won't be shooting more than 300 yards, so by reducing the speed a little, I hope to reduce the recoil for her.

Overall, RL19 seems pretty decent in her Model 70, I will post up my results though, as I continue on.

50 grains


51.5 grains


53 grains


So there is some promise there, speeds are pretty good across the board, but once I get some time, I will tune the 51.5 grain load some and see what comes out. Looks like a good combo though. Never found RL19 to be a bad powder choice in anything I have tried it in.
I have played numerous time with RL 19 in the 25-06 but keep coming back to RL 22.

56 gr RL 22 3315 fps 100 gr BT

FOTIS":z0yif2p0 said:
I have played numerous time with RL 19 in the 25-06 but keep coming back to RL 22.

56 gr RL 22 3315 fps 100 gr BT


That would be next on the hit list Fotis.. Jorey and you seem to have excellent luck with it as well. Might have to load a few up and see what they do. RL25 works really well if you wanna scream them though. I am very impressed with the speeds and accuracy of RL25 with a 115 BT.
I thought about that for sure but I doubt that I can get better accuracy than shooting in the .3" 's. 3300 fps is plenty for me with a 100 grain.
I've found IMR 4350 to work best in my 25-06.
I tried the RL 22 and H4831 without sucess. If you're searching for a powder you may want to give it a try. It did very well in mine but each rifle is different.
Scotty, that load looks to have some potential .
Fotis, thanks much. That's the next potential candidate. You realize posting those itty bitty groups is tormenting me, right? :roll:
Fotis - you seem to operate a bit like me with those "overbore" cartridges... Ladle in enough slow burning powder until the groups shrink up and the velocity is great. I think of it as "getting tight." Somehow those slow burning powders like RL-22 always seem to work better when pushed right up towards max. For me anyway. I often get the best accuracy and highest velocity together, not just with the .25-06, but with slow burning rifle powders in general.

I've tried RL19 in several different 25.06's that i've owned with ok results but RL22 has always been my go to powder for the 25. My results with RL22 is the same as Guy's in that i get my best groups when i fill up the case and push the velocity. Here's a load i worked up in my Rem 700 Classic using RL22 in 05 that was very accurate and i harvested several good deer with this load.

Another good load with the RL22 in a Rem 700 CDL

Still working with this load, shot three that touched then threw two flyers, not sure what happened but i hope to get back on the bench soon to find out.
Certainly some enviable groups there. Congratulations on some fine work.
Great work there!!! I am headed to the range this morning to try out some seating depth adjustments.. Gotta load some more up, so I will try some RL22 as well...
I have also experienced better results using RL-22 vs RL-19 in my 25-06. With the 110gr AB and 51.0gr, I get good accuracy at 3220fps.
Guess I better load up the RL22.
Thanks very much all!
Don't get me wrong, I can use a few of the RL-19 loads I made without concern. They gave acceptable accuracy and good velocity in my rifle but IMR-4350 and RL-22 were better. The same can be said about IMR-7828, good loads, just not the best for me.
I was going through some load data and ran across this load that i worked up with the IMR4350 and if im not mistaken the same load was just as accurate using IMR4831. The 25.06 can be real finicky at times no doubt about that but i couldn't imagine not owning one. All in all i've had pretty good luck with numerous powders but none as accurate and consistent as the RL22 so thats what i've basically standardized with in this caliber. Anyone who owns a 25.06 should give it a try.

Here is what I ended up with using RL19..

115 PT, WW cases, CCI250's and 51.5 grains of RL19

Started out at 3.110 COAL


Then I pushed them out to .010" off the rifling for a COAL of 3.125


Then I jumped to 3.100






I am very happy to see in that node between 3.070 and 3.040 the gun really shoots. Pretty sure I will load up some more at 3.070 and see if they repeat, but looking at the target, seems to be relatively likely.

Again, I kinda went at this a little differently, I found a bullet I wanted to shoot, and I knew I wanted to run around 3000FPS.. Once I got to the speed I wanted, I started tweaking seating depth for accuracy. Usually I load for nearly max speed the cartridge/rifle are capable of and then tweak for accuracy. Since this load is for my wife, I wanted to keep the recoil as low as I could, while still keeping the load effective to 300 yards.

Anyhow, I also tried RL22 after the RL19 tests, but I didn't get anything really awesome. I am sure I could tweak the load some, to make it shoot as well as RL19. But, I am sticking with this for now. At least until she works herself up to a little more power.
You sure dialed in that load nicely with the seating depth. I wouldn't try anything else more powder and speed will only increase recoil and the accuracy looks very good anyway. The animals will never know the difference but your wife will :) Great load you have there.
That is grouping quite nicely, Scotty. It will give you lots of confidence with game.
Thanks guys, I appreciate it. It was a learning experience for me. The recoil feels very light with the load and it chronoed 3027 FPS AVG a few days prior. I think the load will be excellent for Lori and if she begins to feel more froggy, there is plenty of extra speed to be had, but honestly, I would rather she jump to my 270 or 7mm WSM if she wants more.

I was pretty happy with the results of how much seating depth helped. I actually used the same method Berger mentions with finding an accuracy node with their bullets, only I didn't jam the bullets, and started .010 off the rifling and made approximately .035" changes in depths in order to see where it liked to shoot. Works well, thinking I might try it again with my 300WSM and see if I can really dial in a great load with that.