Ruger 77/Hawkeye RSI

FOTIS":3g8kt6gl said:
I hate you! :evil:

Now I know how Scotty feels when I post pictures of Model 70's he wants! :shock:

I was just trying to push you over the edge - it would be worth it. These RSI's are a limited run and not cataloged.
Check your mailbox in a few days. I sent you something to help with the anguish I've caused. 8)
Dont make me tell the story about the RSI with a K-4 weaver in 250-3000 Savage that I passed up after I talked 'em down to $200. That was 17 years ago and I was still buying diapers....Dont make me tell it.....PLEASE dont make me tell it...... :cry: :cry: :cry: I feel your pain Guy. Classy rifle . CL
Many many years ago when returning home from a very successful deer hunt in the Jarbridge Nevada area, I stopped for gas and a potty break in Elko. When I got home and was uloading my vehicle, I found that my two 6.5 Mannlicher-Schoenaurs had been stolen while I was in the can. :x :cry: They were never recovered.
For years I looked for a replacement in decent shape at a price I could afforsd. No such luck.
One day back in the mid 80's I was cruising my local gun shop and saw my first ever Ruger RSI. it was a .308. I decided that maybe, one day I'd get me one. Money was real tight at the time with house payments and the fact I'd just bought a new vehicle.
A few years later I was looking though my paper's want ads and saw one in .308 for sale at a very low price. I had a few bucks handy so I gave the guy a call and saw him that afternoon. He had a Redfield 3x9X on the gun and when I looked at the light switch in his wall, put the gun to my shouler with eyes closed, and saw the crosshairs sitting dead center on the little button of the switch I knew that come hell or high water it was coming home with me. We talked for a bit and I said that I'd take it after asking one final question. I saaid, "Wthout prying into possibly apersonal matter, why is the gun selling for such a low price?" He said, "Because it is so very inaccurate." Well, I guess he's honest so I bought it anyway. :grin:
He wan't lying. The gun was acccurate only if 3.5 to 4.0" groups were your level of acceptable accurary. :shock: To make a long story short, it took a little over two years to find a load that was acceptable and that just barely. I finally got the gun to put three 165 gr. Speer Hot-Cores into 1.5" on a consistant basis with a stiff load of W760. That little jewel of a rifle has taken deer from 35 feet to 250 yards, all one shot kills. While getting ready for a hunt, my wife said she wanted that little Ruger as her rifle, like permanently. I lucked into another strictly by chance, also a .308 from a friend who wanted more velocity that the 18.5" barrel would give so I traded him a Ruger M77 in .308 that I had $200 into straight across. It too wa sno paragon of accuracy but the load that worked in rifle #1 also worked in the new one so my wife had her rifle for the hunt. 8)
One day at the range, thee was a notice on the wall where another RSI in .308 was for sale cheap so i looked into it and this one was miny as hell. We dickered on the price and it too came home with me. My W760/165 gr. Speer load shot well in this one so that's what I use in it as well.
I've only seen a couple in 7x57 and while I would like to have one, the prices I've seen are just a bit too high. The sellers were might proud of rifles that were pretty well beat up.
Paul B.
Man that's a sad story. I live just 60 miles from Elko. It has some pretty country up north of there. These days Elko is kinda a different town than it used to be with gold at $1600 an ounce. I frequent the gun shop there but never seen any thing like that in there. They are kinda overpriced. So are the local pawn shops. I had been looking for a SS 700 for a project and the one they had in there was pretty well used ADL 25-06 for $600 and had seen better days so I bought a new 700 ADL for $480. Now if only I can get a tag or two. Those are hard to come by in Nevada.
I have a No. 1 RSI or two and they are darn handy rifles. I prefer to hunt with the 1A though. The 1 RSIs are even shorter and handier than the 77/Hawkeyes.