Ruger No 1 B 223 Rem?


Ammo Smith
Mar 1, 2007
I would pick the Ruger over the Tikka, as the Ruger is definitely cooler. I can't speak for its value.

But I think you're forgetting something--what would a 223 do to your bore size average?
I love the bolt guns. I've never really cottoned up to the Ruger No 1. They can be very attractive, but I am more utilitarian, opting for the bolt gun.
That is a hard decision man. I love the looks of the #1, accuracy of the Tikka
FOTIS":39cbnva3 said:
That is a hard decision man. I love the looks of the #1, accuracy of the Tikka

I know what you mean, I think I'll sit on it for a few days. A guy I know has a buddy with a T3 in 223 that he may want to move with brass and some ammo, just need to hear back from him. It's been fired only about 150 times and is a tackdriver, it would be on the way if he still wants to sell it.
I'm betting that #1B will be a good shooter. Shouldn't be all that heavy. I have #1B's in .22 Hornet, 6MM Rem., .257 Bob and 25-06 and all have been very accurate rifles. The only #1 I have in .223 is the #1V and that thing needs wheels. It is noticably heavier than the #1B and it only has a 24" barrel. Very accurate though. 8)
Personally, I much prefer the #1S model but for some silly reason Ruger has always made them scarce in any caliber. I've been collecting Ruger #1 rifles since about 1975 and in all those years have only found two in the "S" comfiguration. Both are .300 Win. Magnums. One is just a #1S and the other is a Year of 200th Liberty gun.My third #1 in .300 Win. Mag. is a "B" model. I haven't shot the 1976 gun yet but the other two will shoot right at one inch or a bit less if I'm having a good day.
I do hunt with my #1's and really haven't found them to be all that much of a handicap. It doesn't take that much practice to do a rapid reload and with a bit more practice reloads can be quite fast. So far though I haven't needed to take that second shot. Knock on wood. :wink:
Paul B.
gerry":i9q4kjaz said:
Found a Ruger No 1 B 223 Rem for sale for $800 CAD The pictures of it look like it is in nice shape. What do you think I should do, go for the LH Tikka T3 I was thinking about or go with this one? The Tikka would be much lighter and probably very accurate but the Ruger no 1's are cool guns and are usually quite good just a bit heavy. ... 6_zoom.jpg ... 8_zoom.jpg

My opinion is the Tikka bolt gun for what you want to do with it Ruger #1 are Kool looking but not as near hunter friendly as a bolt gun ! JMHO RJ