Sako 85 Varmint


Nov 26, 2006
Hey guys,

Just bought myself a Sako 85 varmint stainless fluted with
laminated stock this weekend. Caliber is 308 winchester.
Damn that set trigger is sweet. Any suggestions on breaking
in my new barrel would be greatly appreciated. Also, has anyone
had any experience with this rifle? Good or bad, whatever.

Thanks in advance
I have two sakos, I took them to the range shot 40 rounds, took them home, cleaned them good, back to the range two more times doing the same thing. Thats how I break in all my rifles. Works for me. I don't have the patience to do the shoot one or two and then clean thing.
Congrats on the purchase of a fine gun - I was looking at those myself but went a little different route. I picked up a Kimber Longmaster Classic in 223 Remington with the matte black action and the stainless flutted barre.. I wanted a small caliber and got a good deal on a really nice gun.

Any pics?
Shoot it, use only a nylon brush, don't clean to much and have a ball. I owned a Sako 308 but it was years ago and it was a shooter then and I am sure it is still that way today. I have owned a Sako TRG in 308 cal and it was a great shooter and sold it to have a custom Weatherby built. Congrats on a great rifle and product.
Well, I had a chance to take her to the range a few weeks
ago and I'm as happy as a clam. I put a Leupold VXIII LR
4.5X14 with Boone and Crocket retical on her.
My biggest group was 5 shots at a touch over .5"inches
and the best group was .35 inches at 100 yards. All where 5
shot groups with cheap over the counter ammunition. Can't
wait to start reloading!!!!

P.S. How does one post some pics?
Don't you just love it when you buy them rifles and they shoot great out of the box. :grin:
Your patience will determine how you break in a new barrel. There are many different techniques, probably all good. Personally, I prefer the patient way!!..........1st shot then brush in solvent and patch....2nd shot, repeat......3rd shot, repeat............up to 10 rounds................For the second group of ten rounds, repeat the above after every 2 shots...............For the 3rd group of nine rounds, repeat the above after every 3rd shot. Then its done! Very tedious I know!....................A little tip?....While preferences in cleaning chemicals will vary in barrel maintainence, for 30+ years I have used JB Bore compound. Now, followed by the JB compound, I use the JB Bore Brite, which I discovered and started using last year................With the added use of the Bore Brite (available at Brownells), there is even a better shine than before! What a fabulous MIRROR shine inside my barrel!!
Personally I have never broken on a barrel.

Not a bad thing but I never have done it.

This is my new Kimber Longmaster Classic in 223 Remington


To post a picture you have to open an account with an on-line service like Photobucket's free. Upload your photo and copy the URL and paste it in your post. Where you see a picture in this post is the URL address I copied and pasted in the body of the text. It is good practice to leave a space above and below the pasted URL.
Sako is a great rifle and you picked a great cartridge for the varmint rifle and I would bet it will shoot .5 and less all day long and with the right hand loads you could find a group every now and then around .280 - 210". Congratulation on a good pick of rifle and round I can't wait to see what you do with a tweaked handload. :lol:
The best way to break that new gun of yours is........
SEND IT TO ME. :shock:
congratulations. post some pics.
Just came back from the range with some more over the
counter ammo. 5 shot group at 100 yards. I'm sure better
can be accomplished. But I'm as happy as a clam....


Out standing I told you they shoot and shoot great. Nice target and you have a shooter for sure. Good shooting. :grin:
I just purchased the same rifle and have to wait on the optilock bases and mounts to arrive before I can mount the new NightForce 5.5 - 22 X 50 riflescope I included in the same purchase. I sure hope it shoots as good as some of the reviews I have read. Does anyone have a pet load for this same rifle? I plan on shooting the HSM loads with 168 grain Berger VLD's until I can work up a reliable load using the same bullets.
Hey Canuck,
What was the name of the "off the shelf ammo" you were using for your dime size group. Nice shooting!