Sako AV 30-06

Finally got to the range. I was zeroing, breaking in. I was using some factory Remington UMC 150 fmj with the Sako, and got about 1 1/4" which is what this ammo has done in every '06 I've tried it in. W/o knowing the history on this rifle I treated it like it was new and did a modified break in with it. I'm very pleased with everything but the "Medium" height Talley rings. It just puts the scope too high for me as I am a stock crawler/hugger when its actually trigger time. I have some Low rings on the way.
I continued the break in on the 6.5 Creedmoor in my little Mod 7. I made a good choice on this chambering for this Mod 7. I finished putting about 25 rds. through it, and it is a bonafide .5 to .75 shooter with the 120 factory Amax and the 140 Amax. I'm going straight to the 100 Amax for my first load workup.
I also put 16rds through my new 7mm Rem Mag. I did the shoot one, clean for five and then for two. I was using some Winchester 150 factory. It settled right down too, easily did .75 for three. It did have two bugs; this was a converted Mod 700 standard to magnum with bolt face cut out/M16 extractor. It needed adjusting as the case hit the breach face and fell back into the action (bummer) it also needed a bit of polishing as it was rough in chambering (snapping over the rim) this rifle was set up with tight headspace and most of it was just the belt on the Winchester brass. Dropped it off at the smiths. All in all I had a great time and was pleased. I know, I am working at taking pics! ha
My smith worked on my 7 mag this weekend. He had to polish out a burr that kept the M16 extractor from snapping over the cartridge rim smoothly, its like butter now! He also has a jig that allows him to drill out/install the ejector button in a different position than the Remington. Its where Howa puts them, and it throws the cases right out the side instead of up and out ( which made the 7mag case actually hit the windage turret on the scope. Its good to go now buddy! Got my Low rings in for the Sako, some 127 LRX for the Creedmoor, I'm taking a vacation day today and puttering with them all! Life is good!
Very cool Jim. Looking forward to seeing that 30-06 shoot. Sounds like a sweet heart.
I'm just now loading for it filmjunkie. I'm starting out with IMR 4064/Speer 150BT and I will go from there. I will probably use IMR 4350/Nosler 150PT or one of the newer powders. Same with the 165. I will try R17/R22 with the Nosler 200PT later on. I got the low Talley rings/scope back on it. Gave the stock a dose of Howards Feed N Wax inside and out ( super easy to work with too) and tightened it all back up proper. Then I loaded the 6.5 Creedmoor/100Amax/R17; 338 Fed/160 TTSX/2000MR; 7mm RM/Sierra 160HP/R26. All I need now is time to get to the range! :)
Preacher, my best load and most accurate load in the .30-06 is with IMR 4350 and the 165 Nosler bullets (any one of them).
I too like 58gr H4350/IMR 4350/165, and I usually start out with that load in any '06. Funny how Solomon said "There's nothing new under the sun", and was so right! ha. When I "stumbled" upon that accuracy load of 58gr/IMR 4350, back in 1988, I thought "I" had discovered it, ha. I only discovered what scores before me had. I don't understand much of anything about "accuracy nodes", but this is one for sure, ha!