Savage 99 Results


Range Officer
Staff member
Oct 30, 2004
Bought it a while ago. Darn thing looks like new and it was made almost 70 years ago I was told.

This is a classic case of accuracy over velocity with Win 748. :D





Awesomeness! My dear departed Uncle Andy would swear that the only thing capable of killing a whitetail was a Savage 99 in 300 Savage and a 150 grain JSP. Although, after beating through the woods for so many years, his looked like it was runover by a train in a rainstorm.
The only Savage 99 I have is in .358 Win. and just too pretty to hunt. I did run a few factory rounds and handloads through it and groups averaged right about an inch as I recall. King of a funny deal. I did an elk hunt near the Olympic National Forest in Washington state and while sitting on a stand contemplating my sins and other interesting thoughts came to the co clusion thata something in the .358 Win. would just about be perfect in the area I was hunting. Within two months afyer the funt I had my first one, a Ruger M77 tang safety. A week later the BLR, then another few month late a second Ruger 77 Tanger and finally the Savage 99. All I will add is with the limited shooting I did with all four, the Savage and BLR outshot the two Ruger by a noticeable amount. About that time I got my first .35 Whelen and the 358s have sat in the safe marking time ever since.
Paul B.
Nice load for your next hunt.
Must be something with old Savages this year. I’m currently working on a 110gr TTSX load for my 30-30 in a 840 for this fall.
I’d love to see how that works out. Looking for ideas for a 30-30. It’s a marlin 336C
I’d love to see how that works out. Looking for ideas for a 30-30. It’s a marlin 336C
Just did a little with it so far.
Years ago outdoor writer Ben East was a 99 300 Savage user having written about it in some of his stories. A guy I went to high school with used one. Saw him before buck season and he said he still has it.
This has got mind spinning on my Sav 99 - 300 Sav. I have a VXII 3x9x40 sitting on top. I’ve got plenty of factory CoreLokt 150 boxes but would like to load up something in the 125gn.

I think it’s pretty amazing that we see the Sav 99 still popping up in the forum every once in a while still. A CLASSIC !