Scenar vs pig


Apr 30, 2016
after killing two with the 64 BSB I decided to give the Lapua Scenar a go from the 7-08. This guy was around 125 yards. The bullet entered high in his shoulder (where the piece of grass is on his shoulder) took out the spine and left a 50 cent size exit. He never twitched, just dropped like a sack. Lost about half a backstrap, though. Blood was splattered everywhere. It worked, but about any bullet would have works with spine shots. The Scenar does make a mess of cottonmouths. I killed 2 with them. It rained and them dang things were everywhere. Couldn’t get to the usual spots because it would have required traversing some soupy marsh, and after killing 2, everything I saw from them on was a cottonmouth. And I wansnt going to fight vipers for a pig, so we hunted the higher ground and between the 5 of us, 13 pigs won’t be making anymore babies and rooting up the man’s crops. The biggest was a 275 lb boar, the rest wet in the 60-125 pound range. The big boar was left for the scavengers, you could smell him from 30 yards away, would have not been fit to eat.


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Excellent report. Yeah, the presence of cottonmouth moccasins would put me off of hunting near the swamps. I've been assigned to the prow of a boat to knock off the snakes lazing on overhanging tree branches as we were traversing the Atchafalaya Bayou. To this flatlander, every snake looked like a moccasin, and I wasn't willing to take a chance on my herpetological identification!:eek: I'm certain that the farmer appreciates thinning the hogs on his land.(y)
shot 1 deer with a scenar, will never shoot another, the yearling doe was bedded at 781 yards, quartering away hard, bullet hit the flank and angled towards the front offside leg. on impact the point broke off the bullet, 3" in the jacket/core separated and traveled side by side another 6" and damaged the spine enough she never regained her feet. they are not a game bullet! that was a 140 .264 at 3300 fps.
Those rascals are spreading everywhere. Never saw one in KS when I was growing up there. Now they are throughout the area in which I grew up. They can be pests!
For the most part these folks are happy to have them around, they are tick-eating machines! But this particular one had burrowed under a pillar for his hay shed. My rifle just happened to be on the porch and it’s what he grabbed when he saw the little devil.
after killing two with the 64 BSB I decided to give the Lapua Scenar a go from the 7-08. This guy was around 125 yards. The bullet entered high in his shoulder (where the piece of grass is on his shoulder) took out the spine and left a 50 cent size exit. He never twitched, just dropped like a sack. Lost about half a backstrap, though. Blood was splattered everywhere. It worked, but about any bullet would have works with spine shots. The Scenar does make a mess of cottonmouths. I killed 2 with them. It rained and them dang things were everywhere. Couldn’t get to the usual spots because it would have required traversing some soupy marsh, and after killing 2, everything I saw from them on was a cottonmouth. And I wansnt going to fight vipers for a pig, so we hunted the higher ground and between the 5 of us, 13 pigs won’t be making anymore babies and rooting up the man’s crops. The biggest was a 275 lb boar, the rest wet in the 60-125 pound range. The big boar was left for the scavengers, you could smell him from 30 yards away, would have not been fit to eat.
Good shooting, that little hog looks good for eating. I have seen my share of cottommouths in Louisiana back in the day.
He’s already been turned into breakfast sausage. Won’t have to buy Jimmy Dean for a while.
Would you mind telling us the recipe? :love: Curious minds wants to know.
I have done it before but not from a wild hog, just some folks have some better recipes to share. If I could remember, I used a 55/45 ratio with deer / Boston pork butts. It's been 3 years.
Would you mind telling us the recipe? :love: Curious minds wants to know.
I have done it before but not from a wild hog, just some folks have some better recipes to share. If I could remember, I used a 55/45 ratio with deer / Boston pork butts. It's been 3 years.
Oh, I cheat and use A C leggs blend #10 seasoning, it’s pretty dang good. I also ground up a fatty Boston butt. I do 10 pounds wild to 3 pounds butt.
A.C. Legg Blend 10 Pork Sausage Seasoning - 8 Ounce
Gonna try that seasoning soon. Thanks.
The instructions are for 25 lbs, so smaller batches I found 1 level tbs per pound is about right. Also I grind course then mix the seasoning and meat in 1 pound batches, then combine all the 1 pound batches together and run through a fine plate grind plate.