School security lacking

The world has gone crazy. This is what can be expected when the liberal mind prevails throughout society.
As soon as the schools are held accountable for their lack of security and employees ( teachers, principals and Super Intendants) are fired and sued for incompetence, the problem will cease and they will be sealed up like a drum. Might sound harsh but we all should be looking out for the kids.

As soon as the schools are held accountable for their lack of security and employees ( teachers, principals and Super Intendants) are fired and sued for incompetence, the problem will cease and they will be sealed up like a drum. Might sound harsh but we all should be looking out for the kids.

Bingo! Tragically, those in power are more concerned about keeping the paychecks rolling in than they are about doing their job. Unfortunately, good teachers get tarred with this broad brush because of craven administrators and school boards that are more concerned about appeasing a few of the loudest voices than they are about doing what they were elected to do.
Bingo! Tragically, those in power are more concerned about keeping the paychecks rolling in than they are about doing their job. Unfortunately, good teachers get tarred with this broad brush because of craven administrators and school boards that are more concerned about appeasing a few of the loudest voices than they are about doing what they were elected to do.
My neighbor at the last place I lived was a school teacher. She went back to school to get certified which was a challenge, then she finally got a job but is always burned by the administration at any school that she teaches at. The kids always love her, she would let all the bullied kids come eat in her classroom for lunch even though that meant she didn't get a break herself during lunch. She is such a sweet lady and gives so much of herself I always hated to hear how mean she was treated by the school authorities.
Very sad. Both my grandparents were school teachers who did it from the heart like the teacher you are speaking of.
Liberalism has infiltrated into the school systems and I'm sure many of the true teachers are bullied themselves. My grandfather was 6'4" and know as Big Jim. He taught Biology and coached football and basketball. Even the biggest bullies had the upmost of respect for Big Jim. That small boarder town in AZ was a good place to be, at least back then.
Times sure have changed!

It's sad that after so many accidents, the security at school is still not that quality.
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