truck driver
Ammo Smith
- Mar 11, 2013
- 7,395
- 1,066
Thanks to everyone's good luck wishes and a savvy decision to change locations payed off with a nice 100lb doe.
The wind picked up and was gusting fairly hard so around 0830 I decided to give up on my original plan and looked for a place to get out of the wind on the other side of the ridge I was hunting. Found a Laurel thicket along the base of the ridge on the opposite side and sat down on the ground under a large oak tree. I decide to check my cell phone to make sure things were OK at home and thought just watch a deer show up while I'm playing with the phone. I had just put it away when a doe stepped out of the thicket about 80yds to my left and I eased the rifle to my shoulder and slipped the safety off on the 35 Whelen /AI. The doe stepped behind some saplings and didn't give me a shot. I noticed movement to my right a small buck had started to step out so I eased the rifle around to take aim on him. Most of his body was blocked by saplings so I sat waiting for him to uncover and he just stood there waiting for the doe to move. He took a step forward but was still covered up except for his head and neck and I knew this was going to be the only shot he was going to give me so I rested my elbow on my knee and placed the cross hairs on his neck, at the crack of the rifle he took off and I had missed him cleanly. The doe ran straight for me and stopped giving a broad side shot at about 50yds so as I reloaded she turned to look where the buck had gone and now all I had was a Texas heart shot which is not my favorite shot to take and normally would have passed it up but I was hungry for some tender venison and took the shot. Needless to say the 225gr PT hit where I as aiming and she went down. The bullet didn't hit any vitals and I had to finish her with a head shot at close range.
The first shot exited the rib cage on the left side half way up leaving a .45 hole I could stick my finger in. The pelvis was destroyed. When I skinned her out a piece of jacket metal fell out of the exit hole. The picture shows a wound channel that busted or sheared the ribs for about 10"s and an inch wide before the bullet exited the deer.
I know I hit bone but I have never seen this much damage caused by a non magnum rifle or light bullets from 30-06. The muzzle velocity was chronographed at 2780fps . I didn't show the pelvis area since it wasn't something a young person should see, the picture of the rib cage is bad enough.
The wind picked up and was gusting fairly hard so around 0830 I decided to give up on my original plan and looked for a place to get out of the wind on the other side of the ridge I was hunting. Found a Laurel thicket along the base of the ridge on the opposite side and sat down on the ground under a large oak tree. I decide to check my cell phone to make sure things were OK at home and thought just watch a deer show up while I'm playing with the phone. I had just put it away when a doe stepped out of the thicket about 80yds to my left and I eased the rifle to my shoulder and slipped the safety off on the 35 Whelen /AI. The doe stepped behind some saplings and didn't give me a shot. I noticed movement to my right a small buck had started to step out so I eased the rifle around to take aim on him. Most of his body was blocked by saplings so I sat waiting for him to uncover and he just stood there waiting for the doe to move. He took a step forward but was still covered up except for his head and neck and I knew this was going to be the only shot he was going to give me so I rested my elbow on my knee and placed the cross hairs on his neck, at the crack of the rifle he took off and I had missed him cleanly. The doe ran straight for me and stopped giving a broad side shot at about 50yds so as I reloaded she turned to look where the buck had gone and now all I had was a Texas heart shot which is not my favorite shot to take and normally would have passed it up but I was hungry for some tender venison and took the shot. Needless to say the 225gr PT hit where I as aiming and she went down. The bullet didn't hit any vitals and I had to finish her with a head shot at close range.
The first shot exited the rib cage on the left side half way up leaving a .45 hole I could stick my finger in. The pelvis was destroyed. When I skinned her out a piece of jacket metal fell out of the exit hole. The picture shows a wound channel that busted or sheared the ribs for about 10"s and an inch wide before the bullet exited the deer.
I know I hit bone but I have never seen this much damage caused by a non magnum rifle or light bullets from 30-06. The muzzle velocity was chronographed at 2780fps . I didn't show the pelvis area since it wasn't something a young person should see, the picture of the rib cage is bad enough.