Season is Picking Up


Nov 8, 2006
Well, I took a fat whitetail doe this evening. I took her with my 270 WSM (I was looking for that young moose) and the 130 E-Tip at 55 yards. She wasn't alarmed, though she could clearly see us. Once I assured myself that she didn't have a fawn, I dropped her. There were no pictures and no bullet recovery. It was a neat little 27 calibre entry and about a two inch hold through the off side. In between, the top of her heart was gone. The E-Tips are performing well for me this year. I am still permitted to tag a whitetail buck or a mule deer buck or doe for this year. Plus, I'm still looking for my porky little forky moose; and I won't turn down a black bear that squares at least six foot or so. Consequently, it was snowing hard enough to make the ground white this evening. Man, it just felt good.

Congratulations on the doe. Hope you can tag that moose soon.

Congratulations on shooting the whitetail doe today. The weather is changing to normal seasonal weather in the west. Rain, rain and more rain here!

Wolves must be affecting the moose calf crop up there? You are having to work awfully hard for that two point moose this year.
I've actually seen a fair number of fork horn moose. However, upon closer inspection, each has had a third point. I've got a week left in the season. I may find it necessary, as has been true in other seasons, to take a mature bull at the end. One fellow reported seeing seventeen moose one evening this past week. A gal I've worked with said she and her husband counted twenty-seven moose in the bush in one day. As I say, there are quite a few head of game, just not the one I have wanted. I may have to give up being so fussy.

now I know what my problem is!!!!! I am "not" fussy, if its legal, and I can make the shot its mine. Good luck this next week. !!!! :grin: :grin:

now I know what my problem is!!!!! I am "not" fussy, if its legal, and I can make the shot its mine. Good luck this next week. !!!! :grin: :grin:
There is a high price for being fussy (or fusty, as far as that goes). However, I am what I am. Likely, it is the result of one too many auto crashes, leaving me punch drunk. Mama said she wanted a youngun', and I'm looking for a youngun'.