Sectional Density

SJB358":2ppn84i5 said:
FOTIS":2ppn84i5 said:
I get 3100 with the 200's and imr 4350 Scott!

WHAT!!! Send me some data Fotis. I might have to load some of those up tonight! Those are SCREAMERS!! Son of a gun, if they shoot well, I am going to be pretty mad at myself as those bullets have been sitting on my shelf for awhile!

Thank you Fotis.

74 grains of imr 4350 and 200 gr AB (no XS pressures) with my calibrated eye :mrgreen: .
71 gr of RL17 will also get close pending on bullet.
This is in my Ruger #1b (26" tube)
FOTIS":1du2meuf said:
SJB358":1du2meuf said:
FOTIS":1du2meuf said:
I get 3100 with the 200's and imr 4350 Scott!

WHAT!!! Send me some data Fotis. I might have to load some of those up tonight! Those are SCREAMERS!! Son of a gun, if they shoot well, I am going to be pretty mad at myself as those bullets have been sitting on my shelf for awhile!

Thank you Fotis.

74 grains of imr 4350 and 200 gr AB (no XS pressures) with my calibrated eye :mrgreen: .
71 gr of RL17 will also get close pending on bullet.
This is in my Ruger #1b (26" tube)

I am going to load some up tonight Fotis! I have just gotta try them! Those are cracking speeds and if they shoot decent, well, a little less recoil never hurts anything..
From my last "range Outing"

........... I then fired my Ruger #1 in 338. 74 gr of IMR 4350
215 sierras at 3075 fps did this. Group is .7" at 100 yds.

Alright buddy, I just loaded some up using RL19...

We shall see what they do. I was going to try 4350, but if they shoot with RL19 it makes my life a touch easier.. Besides, my rifle seems to love RL19

Good luck to you. I have taken RL19 to 76 grains.~~~~~~~~~MAX~~~~~~~
FOTIS":1tc7fahl said:
Good luck to you. I have taken RL19 to 76 grains.~~~~~~~~~MAX~~~~~~~

That is exactly what I just did... We shall see how they shoot.

Funny thing is I have ran the 225 SST's to 76gr of RL19 in WW cases and got right on book speeds, at around 2850-2875 or so. Very accurate load as well. I am hoping for the best out of these 200's.

I loaded up some more 250's pushing the RL19 up a little, wanna see if I can get near 2700 out of it with accuracy.