Setting up Burris Signature rings?


Dec 2, 2010
I would like to use the off set plastic pieces to build in MOA when I set my scope up on my 6mmBR. I have 2 sets of .010" pieces. Do I set the front with -.01 on the bottom and +.01 on top and for the rear ring use +.01 on the bottom and -.01 on top? This should give me a built in 20 MOA correct?
dubyam":249lwcep said:
That's exactly how it works.

Although, it isn't really 20 MOA. I just don't want you to be disappointed.
It all depends on the spacing between the rings and other factors.

However, it still works really well. I use them on most of my rifles.
My experience on two rifles is awfully close, but not exactly dead-on. Mine is so close, in fact, that I've started using .001" per MOA as a guideline if shimming. But the good Doctor is correct, it is not exact depending on ring spacing.
Thanks, I am not looking for exact 20MOA. I am looking for some MOA so I can dial the scope up to gain more distance. I will mount it up one of these days and post pictures of my rig when I am done.
FYI, the least expensive place to buy is often Optics Planet.
I strongly advise buying 1 set of the 5/10/20 sized shims when buying a set of rings, as odds are you'll use 2 of the sizes. I rarely use the 0 sized inserts that come with the rings.