Short Mags... primers?


Dec 14, 2008
You fellers loading for short mags, do you have a particular primer you like, or is it more powder-dependent? Standard or Magnums? Worth the effort for Match primers? CI, Federal, Winchester, Remington?

Eventually loading for 7mm/.300/.325 WSM, and .300 RSAUM, and probably looking into picking a 7 RSAUM up somewhere down the road.
Sometimes I use magnum primers; sometimes I use standard primers. On the whole, because of the shorter powder column, I've found that standard primers work very well. A review of my records indicates that I've used primers manufactured by Winchester, Remington, CCI and Federal in all the WSMs and several of the RSAUMs during the past decade or so. I have observed neither a benefit nor a deficit from using one manufacturer contra another.
Kurt, I run CCI250s in all of my short mags. Mike says I could get away just fine with standard LR primers though. I'm pretty sure he is right, they don't use much more powder than a 30-06 and have a short powder column. Use what you have and it's always easy to swap up primers if you feel the need to try em.
You will have a velocity increase (pressure increase) using magnum primers contra standard primers. Ensure that you take that into consideration when changing from one to the other when working up a load.
I'll add to Dr. Mike's caution with a broader statement. Any time you change a component (primer, bullet, powder, case) even just from one lot to the next, you should drop back about 5% and work up again. That would include moving from magnum to standard primers, or vice versa. Safety first!
I have no experience with the SAUM

but WSM? oh yes. A lot of experience.....

I have used about every primer load combo you could think of.

What I found to work the best in all of them regardless of powder was

Federal gold medal 215 coded GM215M

Spanned out over the mass amount of primers the extra cost is not significant whatsoever.
By the time the short mags came out I had already pretty much standardized on the Fed 215M for all my magnum rifles. (Even for my 25-06 when using IMR 7828 with heavy bullets) So, when the short mags came along I just used Fed 215M and see no reason to switch.
I like what I am reading... I've been trying to stock up on F215M primers lately, so I guess I'll give them a try.

Thanks, fellas!
I have a load made up for my 300 WSM with a 180gr Speer grandslam with 67 gr of RL-22 and a CCI LR primer and another with a 180gr Hornady interlock SP with 66gr of RL-22 and a fed 215 LRM primer And I can't tell any difference between the two loads ad far as performance goes.