Sigh; who needs science


Ammo Smith
Dec 13, 2013
Buddy of mine, hunted with him for 50 years or so called to see what I thought of Trump going to get us logging again. I’m a logger at heart, in my youth I worked in the woods and had a bumper sticker that read Earth First, We’ll log the other planets later”. We got onto fishing after a while and I commented on NOAA getting largely shut down, cautioned him to be careful at the mouth of the Columbia as we may not have up to date or long range weather forecasts if Musk doesn’t bring back the guys who service and maintain the Doppler radar. Buddy called me a dumb ass, said “I get my weather forecasts off my phone when I go out, I’ve never called NOAA.
Buddy of mine, hunted with him for 50 years or so called to see what I thought of Trump going to get us logging again. I’m a logger at heart, in my youth I worked in the woods and had a bumper sticker that read Earth First, We’ll log the other planets later”. We got onto fishing after a while and I commented on NOAA getting largely shut down, cautioned him to be careful at the mouth of the Columbia as we may not have up to date or long range weather forecasts if Musk doesn’t bring back the guys who service and maintain the Doppler radar. Buddy called me a dumb ass, said “I get my weather forecasts off my phone when I go out, I’ve never called NOAA.
I would love to see the woods back in production. As always, emotionally triggered responses which shut the logging down has overcompensated to the point that now our forests are being managed by fire rather than logging. A waste frankly.

Logging is no different than farming, it just takes forests longer to yield a harvest. There is no good reason not to be logging.

Mr. Trump is going to make us all smile as well as shake our heads occasionally. Every president we have ever had has, he will be no different. It is mathematically impossible to please everyone all the time. That said, I think he’s been doing a pretty good job so far.
What is unfortunate about the logging picture, people don’t recognize it’s not the usfs service holding up logging. It’s the law suits from every tom dick and harry environmental group. Sure there are some in probably every office that think no one except old hippies should be in the woods but most of the folks I’ve come to know think their mandates are clear. Sustained yield forestry can be done in an environmentally acceptable way. I’m hopeful we can find enough people to do the work and a few investors to rebuild mills.
I’ll come see you Dale when I get home in a couple weeks, go shoot some sage rats.
My wife and I have the same cell phones, obtained the same day and they both have the same weather app.
In the past 6 years, they have only said the same thing at the same time on two different days! Otherwise, they never agree!
And they are rarely correct for our locality; often out by as much as 10 degrees C, and we won't even mention the wind. I often tell people that I take the wind speed, change from kmh to mph and add 10 mph (30 kmh to 30 mph + 10 = 40mph), and then it is closer to what is actually blowing outside.

I recall as a kid how we teased about the weather on the local radio station; said they needed to put a window in the DJ booth as the announcer couldn't even get it right. It would be raining cats and dogs with a cold wind blowing and he would declare it sunny, calm and hot! Or vice versa! (Either that, or make him step outside for a smoke break!)

I guess not much has changed!:unsure:

Oh to be a weatherman; you can be wrong everyday of your career and never get fired! :LOL:
"Oh to be a weatherman; you can be wrong everyday of your career and never get fired! :LOL:"

That's true but you could also get a serious butt chewing from your boss. For 33 years I worked for the National Weather Service and I could pass n the serious tales and a few funny ones. Probably the funniest one had to do with me. I was working at the weather station in Winnemucca Nevada and as part of my job I made a live recording of the forecast for the day. at 7AM. At 10 AM it was usually updated if any changes were happening or might happen. Then a whole new forecast would be recorded at noon, even if it was the same.

I'd made the 7AM forecast with a 10 percent chance of rain. and at 10 AM th ere was still no rain in site. Come noon time the same forecast was thought to be the same, mostly cloudy with that 10 percent chance of rain. At one in the afternoon it was raining like hell and the radio announcer, a very snide gentleman said, "Well the forecast is for ten percent of rain and it's ten percenting all over us," It took me a while to live that one down.
Paul b.
Well it’s easy to poke fun at the weatherman but the reality is the advent of Doppler radar has made forecasting much more precise. Up in Bristol bay where weather forms quickly we were much better able to forecast where we could fly and get back on any given day. Fog was also a big issue but the last couple of years I was up there we would know within about a 1/2 hour when the fog would lift…or not. 10 years or more ago we would get at least one bad weather surprise every summer. The kind of weather than sinks boats and planes.