Slug Gun for wife/son


Dec 24, 2006
Okay, we really need a shotgun section for our forum, but I am throwing this here..

I need to get another shotgun for Lori/Brandon to hunt with this Fall. I want a rifled barrel on it, and have kinda decided on the Savage 220 20 gauge or 12 or a Browning BPS 12/ or 20.. I have alot of land up around me that is all shotgun only hunting grounds, so I wanna get them into something they can use for deer hunting. I figure a 20 gauge is plenty of juice for them. Winchester makes the Supreme PT Gold stuff. Throws a 260 grain PT Gold at 2000 in the 3" or 1800 in the 2 3/4" load. There are others, but if they shoot decent, that is what I would like to run. They also have a 12 gauge load as well.

I know there isn't alot of shotgun deer hunters here, but I figured it would change it up a little. The Savage seems like a good deal at around 500.00. Throw a decent scope on it and call it done. The run the Accutriggers on them, and are a decently built bolt gun. Everything I read about them seems to be positive.

I have an older 11-87 with a Leupold 4X on it. It shoots the old Remington Buckhammers really well, but upon looking for more, I see they aren't made anymore! WAY TO GO REMINGTON!!! HA!

Either way, I am not too worried, I will find something for it. Just wanna get something nice for those two to hunt with. Give me some thoughts. Maybe I am missing something.
The 220 is a heck of a shooting slugger. Only thing Id throw in is it will also kick more than an auto like the 1100 and is of course, a "big game only" gun.

The 1100 20 would kick less and be usable for other things too....FWIW.

As for slugs.......most the hunters shooting slug here swear by the lightfields. Pricey for sure, but to me, they all are.

I shot a couple with a borrowed 870 with the lightfields........the deer go NO WHERE and the first one I thought I spine shot it. Nope....double lung and flopped on its belly like it was poleaxed. They DO however have some RECOIL to them from the few I shot. Dang!

Depends some, IMHO, on the range you expect shots. For longer ranges, the Savage 220 will probably be unbeatable but for recoil and fast second or third round? Remington 1100.

Recoil would be my FIRST condition to consider. Might want to look up the ft-lbs of recoil slugs have. NOT in your 11-87 THEY BEAT YOU. My opinon.

2 cents
God Bless
I've often thought I should have a dedicated slug gun. Somehow, I never got around to it. I do have a Winchester Model 1300 Defender (the second one I've owned). Interestingly, I've never carried it afield. It was easier to carry a .22 for grouse and a Model 94 .356 when I wanted protection while fishing or hiking. I would think that a dedicated slug gun would be great, however. I certainly appreciate that it is mandated in some jurisdictions if a person wants to hunt.
PS.........not to jump totally off the wagon but for young ones and the fairer sex.......If I wasnt going to go with a 1100 youth (for stock length).......The H&R Ultra slug youth is of worthy mention.

My nephew has one of these in a 12 gauge. Cloverleaf groups at 100 yards and considering recoil it has a decent butt pad AND an ultra heavy barrel to reduce some of the climb and some recoil too.

Its a SINGLE shot.....and opinons on that vary. You wouldnt think so but recoil wise Id MUCH rather shoot my nephews Utra Slug with 3 inch 12 gauge than I would an 870.

For accuracy, stock length and overall use......its a BUY, IMHO. ... =314086297
Here in Ohio it's shotgun with slugs, muzzleloader or handgun 357 on up during deer gun season. My Nephew uses a Mossberg 500 20 ga combo that came with a fully rifled barrel that has a cantilever scope mount on it and a 26" field barrel. it's zeroed in at 75 yards and prints a 3 shot 1 inch group with the Remington copper sabots. this gun has been used and abused, there has never been a problem with it it in the 10 years he's had it.He changed the buttstock on it last year since he's grown quite a bit since getting it.

I have a 12 ga Trophy Slugster that I got 15 years ago and it's been a great gun for the money! It prints 1 inch groups with 2 /34 remington copper sabots and the the core lokt sabots. I've been using my Encore Pro-Hunter for the last few years since I got the Endeaver MZ barrel for it.
Thanks for all of the tips. I hunted all my young life in a shotgun only county, so I am actually a decent fan of the shotgun slug. Pretty deadly stuff. Pretty similar to the 45-70 actually.

I will keep my ear to the ground. Got a couple rifles up for sale, so as soon as one of them moves, I can decide on something. The Browning is real nice, as it offers the ability to hunt rabbits and stuff later on, but I like the Savage for the ability to drive tacks, and still has a decent follow up shot. Plus, I know it has a decent trigger, and that means alot too.
Scotty I looked real hard at the Deer Slayer III Model 37 but having hard time justifying the cash since I hardly use a slug gun but if I lived in a slug only area I would for sure have one with the fluted barrel and some Hornady SST's thumping them does really hard:)
The Ithaca DSII is actually the one I would like to have. I would have to move both rifles though to get that one. It is an awesome set up though.
Scotty, I have been looking at the Savage 220 also. I have been using a muzzleloader for firearms week here for a bunch of years. I have Remington and Mossberg pumps and a 11-87, but its not the same. I have spoke to alot of folks here about the Savage and they all love them. They shoot well too. I think its a pretty good choice.
Bill, that is selling me pretty fast on it actually. I like the looks of it and the 20 gauge would be pretty danged awesome with some of the newer slugs. I also keep going back to the price. It is pretty moderately priced for the amount of ability you get.
My BIL in Arkansas has always said 20 is plenty and he always takes a few does with his smooth bore 20 Ga every year! Arkansas will allow 6 deer, in the following combo 2 buck deer and 4 does or 6 does and 1 Turkey tag with a Hunting license as the Feral hogs have caused the AG&F to cancel the fall Turkey hunt state wide from last thing i heard! Hogs been doing too much damage to the chicks which are kept on the ground!
Scotty I watched a TV show recently where Ron Coburn, Pres of Savage Arms was on a deer hunt somewhere here in S Tx.
He was shooting one of the 20 ga bolt guns and absolutely hammered a nice 8 point at around 125 yards with it.

Shooting at game I don't think recoil will be a consideration for the wife and kids.
Zeroing it is another story and I bet we can all guess who's gonna get to do that.
I am pretty sure a 20 gauge will work just fine. Most shots won't be anywhere 50 yards and just about anything will kill these deer dead. Back home people loved the old 16 gauge Brownings. They were a good compromise.

With todays slugs, the 20 gauge doesn't lag too far behind the 444 Marlin in alot of cases. No one ever thought a 444 was weak.

I also have a youth 870 in 20 gauge with the smooth bore slug barrel that was my brothers. I would never sell it as he has passed on, but I can tell you that something in that stock design makes it feel alot harder than my 870 with the same length barrel. It hurt to shoot it.

My old neighbor in Illinois used an 1187 in 20 for Illinois deer and had no problem with those beasts!
pre6422hornet":x40qzu4s said:

I also have a youth 870 in 20 gauge with the smooth bore slug barrel that was my brothers. I would never sell it as he has passed on, but I can tell you that something in that stock design makes it feel alot harder than my 870 with the same length barrel. It hurt to shoot it.

My old neighbor in Illinois used an 1187 in 20 for Illinois deer and had no problem with those beasts!

Thanks Pat. Yeah, I don't think the recoil is tamed unless you get a decent stock...

The Savage 220 is a nice slug gun.
I am planning on getting one to.

The 220 is a handsome shotgun. I may have to look at that, especially since I don't have such a firearm in my employ.
JD338":2l7gulik said:

The Savage 220 is a nice slug gun.
I am planning on getting one to.


I am with you Jim. It is ALOT my style. Might get down to check them out tomorrow.

Might be fun ringing out a shotgun.. Although, that money would be much better used for another Model 70!
DrMike":ccdwyuh9 said:
The 220 is a handsome shotgun. I may have to look at that, especially since I don't have such a firearm in my employ.

What would you look at Mike for an all out slug shooter?

Jim and I are on the same track I think, but we talked about this about a year ago. We are kinda in the same game for the area we hunt and who we are trying to outfit.
Truthfully, I'd be more inclined to look at the 212, as the 12 gauge has that extra punch when I would need a slug.