Speer 120gr Hot-Cor .257


Aug 4, 2005
Not a test but I thought i'd share. This is a Speer 120gr .257 Hot-Cor that I removed from a deer that I shot recently. I've been shooting these bullets for many years from my 25.06 and their performance on game has always been excellent for me. This is the first one that I have ever recovered because they have always exited.

The shot was right at 200yds give or take a yard or two. The bullet entered behind the shoulder and for some reason angled up into the spine and exited high in the offside shoulder and was lodged under the skin. I guess it hit bone and that's what caused it to go upward. The bullet was still in tact and weighed 86.4 grs.

Nice recovery. That will do the job. What is the muzzle velocity of your load?
AFG270":v3n86ere said:
Nice recovery. That will do the job. What is the muzzle velocity of your load?

I honestly don't know, I've never shot it thru a chronograph, mine stopped working several years ago and I never replaced it. The Speer manual says 2931 fps but that's the manual, I know to get the true velocity I need to shoot it through a chronograph. It's been a very good load over the years in both accuracy and on game performance.
I agree. It is definitely working well for you and the deer will never know the difference.
Got a couple of Guide buddy's in MT that have used the 120 Speer in their 25/06's for over 30 years, they have tryed
Lots of other bullets and always come back to that bullet from Speer. It's a deadly combo. I have my 25/06 scoped up with a VX2 CDS and had custom shop cut me a dial using the Speer 120 over RL25 @ 3150fps. Lent it a friend to take to Colorado this fall , he smaked a nice big Muley. At 387 yds , one shot instant kill. Had a hunter use same load on a 650lb cow Moose at 275 last fall, same thing she lay right in her 4 tracks! It flat works. That bullet and Speer 250gr for .358 caliber are probably Speers best two "hunting bullets" they make.
I went to the Speer web site and they are only showing the SPBT and Grand Slam. I didn't see a Hot-Cor.
grry10":1cx0mrx7 said:
I went to the Speer web site and they are only showing the SPBT and Grand Slam. I didn't see a Hot-Cor.

Unfortunately the .257 120gr Hot-Cor was discontinued.
Guybo":qjjaptlf said:
grry10":qjjaptlf said:
I went to the Speer web site and they are only showing the SPBT and Grand Slam. I didn't see a Hot-Cor.

Unfortunately the .257 120gr Hot-Cor was discontinued.

That's ashame.