SPS will not ship bullets to NewYork


Nov 23, 2013
Last night I attempted to pick up some blemish
.308 Partitions and the system would not allow
me to input New York for the shipping destination.

Thank you very much governor Cuomo and all
The spineless politicians who voted for the Safe act.
I can't get out of NY fast enough. Just gotta
get the wife to retire.
shame. Liberals voting for liberals. God Bless Wyoming!
Yeah, it sucks to live in NYS now. With the SAFE act, the taxes, an a shrinking economy, there isn't much good reason to live in NY. Unfortunately, the majority of the voters are either on the receiving end of gravy train or have mis-guided social/policitical agendas that call for redistribution of wealth. The result is that the minority are now supporting the majority. So, the majority will win every state wide election.

If it weren't for the fact that I am the fifth/sixth generation to live on this property and that my mother still lives across the street, I would be looking for another state to live in. It would break my mother's heart for me to sell out now.
I want to now why welfare never runs out but social security always does.
Who said they have no money ? I have not missed a check yet but got nervous a while back I am looking at trying to get some kinda new check from someone! Maybe I could collect on that IRS email reward money! :roll: maybe me and BOW Bergdahl can split his back pay :lol:
Maybe the bullet manufacturers need to force a bunch of states to have their cops carry Nerf guns. No ammo sold to these states, even to the cops! Teach them the hard way about what gun control really means!
HOGWILD338-378":6lf26s3p said:
Who said they have no money ? I have not missed a check yet but got nervous a while back I am looking at trying to get some kinda new check from someone! Maybe I could collect on that IRS email reward money! :roll: maybe me and BOW Bergdahl can split his back pay :lol:

I just hope there still is SS when my time comes up. Shift work and paying into the system since 1987........
So far so good since I filed I have gotten my direct deposit.
Fotis I started paying in in 1968 and since I went back to work I'm paying in some more and if I make toooo much I will have to pay back.
As far as I know, only ammo is no longer legal to ship to buyers in NYS. I don't know why you couldn't get a bullet order shipped to you.
Hmm ???????????
There should be no problem with projectiles. Someone's lawyer needs a talking to.
Politicians always put the most needed programs on the block when money is supposedly short.. ie. social security, veteran's benefits, national parks etc..

I paid SS tax all my working years, now retired paying tax on part of my SS benefit because I have another monthly benefit which I also worked for. Double taxation.

If I was younger, or had kids, neither of which is true, I would stay and fight. At nearly 68 I plan to do like Remington... Head out..
It ashame to here that crap. I am a born and raised upstate NYer. Beautiful country but I'm not supporting there degradation of the rights and securities all the dead buddies and I have fought for. NY can kiss my 5th point of contact.
A whole lotta Retailers I think have done a lot of people wrong and they could care less and they do not wanta take a chance when they know they can ship to different parts of the state? they should go by zip code and just not worry about Blooming idiots that run that state! never been to NY but up state I would enjoy but NYC y'all can have it! Too many of the wrong kinda folks for me :shock:
Old redneck would not be welcome in NYC :mrgreen: I have too many guns to even be close :lol:
I was born in Montclair NJ, 12 miles from Manhatten. Plus, I even lived and worked at Grumman and North American Aviation as an engineer when an adult. I just can't stand NYC attitudes. Even two of my own children now live there and I still can't handle them (not my children) and their attitudes.

It is always the people who get hurt when states behave badly. I feel badly for the people in New York State. It is too bad that the Democratic machine runs the state and there are enough people who agree with their tactics to keep them in power, so it never changes and the drum beat of evil politician's keeps on in New York and several other states. Look at the current governor? What a useless piece of human commie nothing!
Oldtrader3":3fiul51p said:
Maybe the bullet manufacturers need to force a bunch of states to have their cops carry Nerf guns. No ammo sold to these states, even to the cops! Teach them the hard way about what gun control really means!
I'm a big fan of that.
If the cops can have it the citizenry should too. What's good for the goose is good for the gander.

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You understand that the cops work FOR you and do things you WONT do. Dealing with people you don't want in your life?

Drug dealers
Gang Bangers


They're not after YOU unless you're in a similar category. Are you?

Guy, I'm one of those that work at keeping those types behind the walls. So I know very well who the cops work for.

Sent from my SGH-M919 using Tapatalk
If the citizens can't have it the cops shouldn't either. I'm toured of the division in our society. Sadly, we can't enforce or own laws and have to depend on, and rely on, others to do what we should do for ourselves.

Sent from my SGH-M919 using Tapatalk
I e-mailed SPS about getting bullets to NY since we are allowed to order components just not the assembled ammunition, I got the reply of "call between X and X hours monday-friday"

you call, get an answering machine and told to leave a message

I have called enough times they should know my number but still no reply and no bullets.... I have tried on different days, different times, still no answer which really makes me sad.

Great bullets, but the customer service end of things seems to be a bit rough at SPS... and i'm in the same boat as some of you, great wife but she grew up in the wrong state so now i'm stuck here until I can convince her otherwise