SPS will not ship bullets to NewYork

Not worth the band width to take it offline. I currently have had a 16 inch PICC catheter in my heart for two weeks and I am trying to finally beat the MRSA pneumonia that I have had for 6 months. This means a 2 hour hospital short stay every night for two weeks to be infused with 500 MG of Vancomycin daily. This is very inconvenient and wastes another hour of driving back and forth to the hospital each night.

I am cranky about our President and all of the nonsensical, illogical trash that the eastern part of the country is inflicting on the rest of us, particularly NYC with their Communist Mayor and chronic bad attitude towards everyone else. So call me sensitive. I have just had it with Libtards!
Awww, nevermind... :mrgreen:

Sorry if I came off "cranky" earlier guys. I didn't mean to. I actually like you guys - well, as best can be done when we only know each other via the 'net. Not about to get in an argument with ya. That's just silly.

Take care.

Update: I called SPS today, got voicemail, and a returned call a couple hours later. The end result is that orders from "higher ups" instructed that the SPS website block all shipments to NY and Mass. until they can figure how to allow bullets to be shipped but not loaded ammo. We unfortunates in NY and Mass. can place orders for anything but loaded ammo over the telephone. End result I have 8 bags (50 each) of .308 Blem 180 Partitions on order. That along with my current stock will keep me going a while.
Rol_P what time did you call?

i'm still not having any luck with them returning my calls, I even tried having them shipped to family in PA but couldn't enter my NY billing address and don't want to ask others to order them for me
Sadly, this is a direct result of electing liberal/leftist/socialists who wish to control our every action.

FREE men should be unencumbered by such!

Doggone it!

Was busy here with a contractor working on the house so do not remember just what time I called and left a message that i wanted to talk about an order.. It was a couple or maybe three hours later when I received the call back.. He did say the SPS website is updated daily as they learn what Nosler has for them, generally between 2 and 4 PM Oregon time.
I called SPS about 15:00 eastern time zone and the call was returned about 17:00.
I finally lucked out!

my sister who lives in PA put in an order for bullets for me:
6mm 90grain accubonds
7mm 140BT & 150PT

I wish they had the 7mm 160 accubonds but I figure I worked up a good load with the 160AB & 140BT so the 150PT should work and still do the trick on deer/bear when I run out of my last 15 or so loaded accubonds for the 280ai