Steel or aluminum?


May 12, 2009
Putting a Picatinny rail on the new rifle. It"s a 280AI so recoil won't be stout. Scope weighs 14.5oz.
Steel or aluminum?
My only concern with an aluminum rail is different expansion rates in changing temperatures between steel and aluminum. But I really want somebody else to be a guinea pig for the Seekins unit...
If you are not concerned about a few ounces I would go with the steel :wink:.
I am considering going with the rail on my new 280AI as well. I am at the age now that I really do not have to do a lot of walking so weight is no longer as big a concern :mrgreen:

I run aluminum rails on about everything, well, they are an alloy, but I haven't ever found them to begin failing.
I use titanium bases from Murphy Precision, I have a brand new Remington 700 LA
25 moa base I'd like to sell w/ 8/40 screws if anyone is interested? Light weight (3.2 oz.) and yet very strong and stability is not an issue!