Stock Fit Question


May 12, 2005
I'm in the process of getting a Rem 700 STS/SYN in 338 RUM. Now, I'm not fond of the syn stock so a new one will be ordered. The question I have is, what is the difference between an ADL and a BDL in relation to getting a new stock, and is the STS/SYN a BDL or ADL?

The stock will be a Boyd's laminate, I'm just deciding on either the JRS or Ross Thumbhole and which design/color.

For those looking to get the new 250AB, better get to them before I do, cause I'm going to stock up. This also goes for if Nosler ever make brass for the 338RUM.
I just put in my order for an XCR 338RUM. I'm still tossing about the idea of replacing the stock with a laminate for a more personnalized rifle. So, I'm going to assume that a stock made for a BDL long action will work with the XCR action and barrel.