Surprise with Sierra boat tail!


Range Officer
Staff member
Oct 30, 2004
Since so far I can not get my 378 Bee to like AB's I was thinking about using this bullet. I do not really trust them with the jacket core separation so I played with it.

Out of curiosity I shot one 300 gr Sierra gameking in wet newsprint out of my 378 Bee at 3050 fps MV. Impact was at 40 yards. Opened up to 70 plus caliber and retained 214.5 grains. Now if all of them do this I am IMPRESSED! Will found out tomorrow what they shoot like.


Thicker jacket which makes for a tougher bullet in the larger calibres.
If further testing demonstrates this same result, you will have yet another option with the larger calibres.
Wow, that is a good looking bullet for taking that kind of hammering at 40 yards out of your 378! Man, that actually looks pretty good. I hear alot of folks really like the 250gr SBT GK out of the 338WM, even though most still admit to random core/jacket separation. They are pulling them out of dead animals, so I don't think it is such a bad thing. Scotty
Pretty impressive results Fotiis! If they shoot good, you will have a winner.

Hey POP, That's impressive but out of curiosity what was the dimensions on the wet newsprint ie how deep was the stack you were shooting into??
Yeah, I've heard excellent reports about the heavy Gamekings - those 300 gr Sierras in particular. A fellow told me that even if they lose their jackets, the hard lead core tends to stay together pretty well and does a fine job of killing. I can believe it.

They shoot well from my .375 H&H, at speeds considerably slower than your .378 Bee!
I remember Sundra shot some big stuff with his wildcat 375, in the old days it was a 8RM necked up, 375JRS I think. Anyway, Water Buff & other big boys.
He killed an African Cape buffalo with a Ruger #1 in 375 JRS.
Pop, I whacked an Elk three years ago with a 225 grain Sierra Pro hunter out of my .338RUM. Distance was 55 yards and the shot was quartering from front to back. (Left shoulder towards the rear). The bullet travelled through roughly 2.5 feet of Elk and ended up under the skin on the far side. Retained weight was 84%. No jacket separation. I've shot a lot Deer with the 165 Grain 30 caliber game King and while I did have jacaket separation on occasion none of the deer got up and ran away. Picture perfect performance doesn't happen 100 percent of the time.
I plan on trying some in my 375Wby. Impressive to say the least! How do they group in your 378?
That is pretty dam good for a sierra BT...

If everything goes right, I"m gonna shoot a .338" 250g Gameking from my 338 EDGE at 3050fps into gallon jugs at 100 yards on saturday morning. For some reason, I dont think mines gonna turn out as good as yours though.
Remmy post picture regardless will you??????
I sure will...

I need to find my USB cord though, have looked a couple times now and cant seem to find it. MIght have to go buy a new one. So thats why no pics up of that 338 WM either.
remingtonman_25_06":3qcmio0l said:
That is pretty dam good for a sierra BT...

If everything goes right, I"m gonna shoot a .338" 250g Gameking from my 338 EDGE at 3050fps into gallon jugs at 100 yards on saturday morning. For some reason, I dont think mines gonna turn out as good as yours though.

I thought about giving them a try in my 338WM, but decided on the Nosler PT instead. There is a fellow over at Marlin Owners that swears by them (250gr GK) in his 338WM at 2800FPS. Says they have worked really well on elk and bear, a few times the core has seperated from the jacket, but again, it was pulled out of a dead elk. They are some pretty sleek bullets though. Seems like they would make great long range 338 bullets. Scotty
My buddy shot a calf elk at about 200 yards. 338 win mag 250 Gameking at 2750 fps. He killed that calf but bullet also separated in that instance.
I bet they will be good out at longer ranges though. Even though, you really can't complain about them separating, if you are pulling them out of dead animals. I figured I shoot so few .338 bullets in the grand scheme, it really isn't a big deal to buy Nosler 2nds for about the same price as Sierra's. Scotty