SWAROVSKI Z5 w custom turret


Apr 18, 2006
Does anyone out there have any experience with the Swarovski Z5 3.5-18x44BT and the custom turret being offered by Outdoorsmans?
I have a couple of the Z6 Swarovskis with Ballistic Turrets. I don't have a Z5. I assume that is what is being offered. If so, the shooter sets up the BT for three points of impact for his load, and simply dials in. The standard is 100 yards, 200 yards, 400 yards and 600 yards. However, you can set the dial where you wish.
Dr. Mike the turret I'm referring to is the custom made one from Outdoorsman's not the three setting system the scope comes with from the factory. Hope this helps. Just wondering how accurate this turret actually is.
I'm not familiar with their product. I am aware that a growing number of people have the software and equipment to burn custom turrets tuned to the load for a particular rifle. If that is what they are offering, it will work quite well, I should think.
Out of all the CDS or turret systems for hunters, I like the Swaro BT the most in looks and such. Plus, you can alter your load and still have a good reference. I would think with a 250-300 yard zero, the BT should give you quick aiming points out to 600 pretty easily.
I have the Z5 3.5-18 mounted on my 7STW. I love the scope. I have a 200 yard zero with the first dial setting at 300, second at 400, third at 500 yards. I do not see a need for a custom turret to be made when the turret that comes with the scope is completely customizable from the Swaroski sight by simply filling in the bullet grains, BC, velocity, yardages (that you choose), elevation, etc. This scope has proven to be very accurate using the Swaroski program. And, if you find that you are a little low or high on your shot placement you can adjust the point of impact by adjusting the ring without having to buy a new turret.
My hunting partner also uses a Z5 3.5-18 on his 300 RCM rifle.

The only reason to get a custom turret is if you want to be able to look at the turret and dial yardage to be exact. Currently he has a drop card taped to his stock so he knows if a shot requires him to go to a certain point (red, yellow or green dot) and then add clicks. He's tossed around the idea of the turret but hasn't purchased one.