
TEC, that was a good article. Thanks for posting the link.

It's obvious to me that Obama wants this war, and doesn't even want to call it a war. He wants to help the "rebels" - who seem to be the same Al Queda people we've been fighting for the past decade, elsewhere.

It's not war to blast 200 cruise missiles into a foreign country?

I'm not at all happy with this course of action. It's not enough for him to mess up America, he's got to mess up other countries too?

Nothing for us to gain in this proposed military adventure, and much to lose.

G'Day Fella's,

I really do feel for all of the current US Service Men and Women, their Families and Friends!

If I remember correctly, Borat O'Bongo was an Anti War type but what now, now that he is confronted with losing face (after his comments of a few weeks ago that)- "The use of Chemical Weapons would be A Game Changer"!
It will be interesting to see if he is capable of shouldering this loss of face and his own "Power Failure", or whether he will go ahead and start World War Three???

Here's hoping he keeps away from The Red Telephone!
But just in case, I'm heading off to the supermarket for some more supplies!!!

Double Doh!!
And therein lies the problem. We have a President who doesn't respect the military, so he is willing to play with these brave men and women as a child plays with his toys in the sandbox.
And therein lies the problem. We have a President who doesn't respect the military, so he is willing to play with these brave men and women as a child plays with his toys in the sandbox.
And therein lies the problem. We have a President who doesn't respect the military, so he is willing to play with these brave men and women as a child plays with his toys in the sandbox.
Oldtrader3":2v0j2d1o said:
Build a wall around Syria and send them ammunition for their AK's!

Now, there's a recommendation I can get behind.
G'Day Fella's,

Old Trader 3, like Dr Mike said, I think you may have hit on The Answer!

Personally, why doesn't;
1) If the UN is anything like Powerful and Useful organisation that it makes itself out to be (You know, the organisation we all give BILLIONS of $ to), do something?
2) The other local Arab/Muslim countries get involved???

DrMike":2p3ty233 said:
And therein lies the problem. We have a President who doesn't respect the military, so he is willing to play with these brave men and women as a child plays with his toys in the sandbox.

Yes. Agree.

I'd like to see Obama TRY to complete one day of simple USMC training, let alone actually donning the gear and going to war.

Am not a huge fan of Bush One and Bush Two, but Daddy Bush was a dad-gum DIVE BOMBER pilot in WWII and Son Bush flew a doggone jet fighter for this country. Would be interesting to see how many months of therapy Obama would need after either experience.

I note that most warriors are the most reluctant to commit to war. For they know the cost.

Heres the way i see it ! :( A lot of good Army-Navy etc people will die for what ? :?: NOTHING ever changes over in those countrys - its being going on for thousands of years and will continue to go on forever - no matter what we do or say ! :shock: So why let all our good soldier women & man DIE for nothing ACHIEVED ! IS it that good for business to Sacrafice all those good men & woman of our armed forces ! I think NOT ! :evil: Now i am ALL for Defending us if attacked but otherwise maybe we should just stay out of there Business over there ! :!: After all who's right and whos's wrong over there - i din't think WE know one way or the other ! :shock:

Its time for rest of the world to stop expecting us to referee their (notice I didnt say solve?) problems. Of course Chemical weapons are a moral issue- so let the folks in Syria's back yard go in there and straighten things out. They have been killing eachother for thousands of years. If they start another radical muslim dictatorship, let them beware of there own people. Some body else said it, but if the U.N wasnt such a puppet of I dont know what, and worth more than a milk bucket under a bull they would have done somthing already and in a hundred other places to boot. Instead they sit on there hands and wait for the countries of the free world to do somthing. Our president is apparently...well I wont say it, but I dont think he will make a decision that isnt in the best interest of politics, I just dont.... Guy said it those troubles in Syria are not worth the life of one American kid. Just my .02 CL
Guy said it those troubles in Syria are not worth the life of one American kid. Just my .02 CL

Guy said it those troubles anywhere in he Middle East are not worth the life of one American kid. Just my .02 CL (There. I fixed it for you.)
Paul B.