The 257Wby Mag - What a Cartridge

The VXIII is a very bright scope. It will serve you well.

JD338":2c69lrhj said:
The VXIII is a very bright scope. It will serve you well.


Jim, the VX-III 50mm surprised me, I have been using Zeiss so long I will have to admit that I did not give it much of a chance until I experienced the low light ability of the scope this evening. It changed my opinion of the VX-III.

I have used the VXIII for quite a few years now. Here in MI, I like to hunt in Cedar Swamps. With the VXIII 2.5x8x36,, I can see past legal shooting time.
I really love the Mark 4 4.5x14x40, its all the scope I need.

WOW bullet, what a group. Now that is what I call a bug hole. I think your load development is coming along just fine. You have really set the bar high now. 73 grains of imr7828 worked for me too and gave me the best velocity. :grin:
I think this is a real keeper, was making sure my 257Wby was still on before I go to Jerry's this Sunday to begin a hunt - Today with 257Wby, 10 shot group first 4 were together threw the 5th round, 6th round fell in with the first four, threw 7th and 8th and the 10th round went in with the main group. the main group was .509" not minus bore. The 10 shot group was 1.203" not minus bore. That is the best I could due today.
