The cat that went away!!!


Jun 21, 2007
In a sendero on the north east part of mexico, at 8:30 am, my son caught this video with his cellphone, bad luck he dindt had his lucky and comfortable 270, if he threw the cellphone maybe he had kill him!!! jajaja

What do you think its a bobcat or a mountain lion?

Mountain lion. As the cat turned, it looked to have a long tail plus the body looked too long for a Bobcat. The film was too blurred to be sure.Rick.
I found the pics just a bit blurry as well, but if I was a betting man, I would say Mountain Lion (Cougar) Regards, Eagleye.
Tough to get a clear look but it appears to have a long tail and tan color like a Mountain Lion.

It was a nice morning, we arrived at the spot at 6:00 am, at 6:30 the sun began its apperance, I took my trusty CZ 7mm Mag rifle this time, I gave the chance to my son to take the chair in the blind, said sorry I dont shoot that 7mm its too big for me???????????, so I took the chair, at 7:30
am I spotted a big bobcat comeing our way, at 100mts he was centered with the 7 trigger on the set position, I didnt shoot, he stood about 5 min in the sendero then went away, at about 8:00 am my son wet to the truck
saying &$%"·$&/( cause I hadnt bring him his trusty 270.
15 minutes later he came running and and asking for the rifle cause a big
Tom was on the sendero, I didnt belived him thinked was the bobcat.
He returned later and said he had him on video, and for sure seems its
a large PUMA mountain lion.
We have still 2 weeks on our season, lets see what happens this weekend.
Cougar or Puma darn sure is no bob-cat...way too big and tail too long.
Probably a juvenile mountain lion. Good luck on getting him. Muy grande gato.