Tikka Compact Tactical Rifle

Yep threaded. There's a compact lightweight hunting version too in other cals, though not 260 apparently (and curiously).
Bob, my friend has one of these in 223. It is the same action as used on all the other T-3's just a shorter heavy barrel. It shoots great, though.

Tikka also used to make a short-lived series called the Big Boar and offered it in 308, 30-06, and 300 WSM. They were basically T-3's equipped with 19 inch (don't know metric specs)barrels. I have the '06 and WSM. Both are serious tack drivers regardless of the shorter barrel.

I truly wish Beretta would market the T-3 in 260 here in the US. I would buy one in a heartbeat. I heard of one at a Gander Mountain in Pennsylvania (?) a few years ago and according to the story it left the store so fast it had a vapor trail behind it. Fluke or fiction?

Ok I wasn't sure about the action length, thanks for clearing that up.

Interestingly the non tactical compact version comes chambered in 222 Rem with a 1-8 twist, while the 223 version has a 1-12 from memory. I would love a 222 shooting 75g bullets for a light pig and goat rifle. Even 2600-2700 fps would do the job out to modest range. Seriously thinking about trying to get one for my kids.

You are right about the 260 version of the T3. They are very popular here. In fact I would wager T3s would be the best selling rifle in the country.

Hmm your Big Boar rifles would be good for, big boars! Thanks for the info.
Tikka makes some great rifles it seems. Never heard of anyone that had one that didn't shoot well. Looks like a very nice package Bob and the 260 is a sweet cartridge.