Today's Range Results

View attachment July 16 Range Day THE 30-06 LOAD.JPG

I wanted to share my final results after working on this 30-06 Load for several months as time would allow. The pic posted of the final target from yesterday was shot from a lead sled set up. I had good results with H4350 Powder even shooting in the heat, here in the South. Loading this powder from 56.0-60.0 grains using BR-2, CCI-200, & the chosen CCI-250 primer, never one time did I experience any pressure signs. Load development was performed using all Winchester FL re-sized brass, RCBS Dies. Brass trimmed to specified length. Bullet seating was started at full length of the magazine then reduced to the final setting of 3.790.

I am extremely happy with the results. Just have to zero it in for hunting and start practice shooting for Deer Season.


You have found yourself a great load for your 30-06. I think you will be pleased with the 165 gr BT's on game performance.

When you do your final zero for hunting, consider verifing zero with sand bags. A zero from the lead sled might be different from sand bags and hunting positions.

Well done sir!

Thanks, I plan on doing that. I appreciate your input. Since my last post on this thread I restocked this gun with a 7mm Mag BDL Stock I got from Ridge Runner. The 58.0 load didn't shoot very well yesterday but the 59.0 proved to be the load. I really wanted to get 2800 fps and the 59.0 load achieved that for me.

I plan on loading up a bunch then shoot it in off the sand bags. I now know the potential of this load, anything else would be error on my part.

View attachment 2011 Fall sight in day.JPGI wanted to show everyone during sight in this past Fall, before Deer Season opened, I duplicated the .442 group posted July 17th when the load development was finished.

Killed a Doe on Dec. 23rd. Love this load for the 30-06

Thanks Lou,
This is the load for my 30-06 couldn't be happier.
