Took your advice


Dec 2, 2010
I dropped my 30-06 off at the local gunsmith shop today. He guessed it was over 8lbs but will measure before he starts to lower the weight. I hope to have it back in a week. I also loaded up some 165 BT with H4350. I went with some rounds like the last test group then some loads that have 57-57.5-58gr that are .045" off the lands. I talked to a guy at Nosler today and he said to work the bullet anywhere from .02-.06" off the lands. The closest I can get is .03" due to mag length. I am now out of bullets and this weekend will be near a big reloading store. I really don't know what to buy. Do I try 165s or 180s? I am thinking about getting a box of 180 BT and AB. I might start out with the BT then work on the AB if I can get the BT to do the right thing.
Good show. Is it possible to pick up a box of 165s and 180s. Either will work well for hunting purposes. Your thought of picking up 180s in both BTs and ABs is equally good. Keep us posted.
Well I just talked to the wife and we will be going by the reloading store. I can buy the bullets there and if I don't open the box, I can return it. I am going to shoot the 165BT that I loaded first then if I have the 180s I can try them or take them back.

That is fantastic. You'll be REALLY happy to have a reworked trigger. It makes all the difference in the world!

I'd get one box of a couple of different bullets you think may be of interest and test one at a time. If you decide that you (or more importantly, your rifle!) like one before opening the others you have trade fodder for the future, or just something to play with when you get the urge.

Great to hear about your progress. I look forward to seeing range reports for your post-trigger job trips!
A nice trigger makes a huge difference. I like to know exactly when that rifle is going off so if everything is not just right I can let off on the trigger and adjust.

165 gr. is all I shoot in my 30-06. It and the 30-06 kind of go together like milk and cream, really smooth! :lol:
Good luck WT, hope you find luck. Like the others said, any good shooting load with a 165gr or 180gr PT or AB will be plenty for about anything most of us will ever hunt. Can't wait to hear how that trigger job works out for ya. Scotty
Sounds like you've got a good plan going for a good shooting rifle. I'll be waiting to see the results.