Tree stand help


Dec 2, 2010
I have 3 ladder stands that were in the woods too long. The support brace that goes from the ladder to the tree has rusted together. My question is, how do you get a smaller piece of metal that is inside another piece apart? I put it in a vice and hit it with a hammer but it would not slide out. Do I try pouring oil on it in some way or maybe heat it?
I would use kroil on it and let it soak a few days. Kroil stinks, is expensive but is awesome for anything from cleaning barrels to breaking things free.
Kroil makes several products that can be bought direct on line that might help. Some of which is very aggressive on corrosion. Heat will help if you don't get too carried away with it and weaken the metal.
Grab a can of WD-40 and spray it along the joint every couple of hours. I'd periodically give the pipes a little tap with a hammer to see how things are moving along.
Dr. Vette":2437amuq said:
Kroil or PB Blaster will likely do it. WD-40 won't work well enough.

I never used Kroil but PB Blaster will work when WD-40 won't. I always have PB Blaster on hand for shop and farm repair projects.
Heat and PB Blaster.
Get it warm so it expands and then spray it with PB Blaster.
May have to repeat a couple of times.
Kroil is deep penetrating and should work well for you. Never used PB Blaster but it sounds like it would work well too.
