

Jun 11, 2009
This may be a dumb question but I have to know. I am ready to do some more reloading, this is my 2nd round with win. brass. I full sized them and put the calipers on and all were from 2.090 to 2.095, case length is 2.100 ( all for a .300WSM), do you need to trim if under 2.100?

For the purpose of accuracy, it is not a bad idea to trim to the same length when you load. However, until it reaches the maximum allowable length through stretching, it is not necessary to trim. According to the measurements you provide, your cases are not dangerous. It is your call. I can't honestly say that I am overly concerned about trimming until they actually reach maximum allowable SAAMI lengths, at which time I trim them back to the minimum length. The only exception to this is when I am crimping, in which instance they will all be taken back to the same length so the cannelure is in the same place for each load.
I trim all my brass right out of the bx and then do't touch it util it gets to the max leght. My Nosler 243 brass has five firings on it before it got close to needing trimmed.
For safety????? No you do not...unless you want all of them to be the same length for max accuracy.

Good question.
I trim all my cases after the first firing to the min length and than trim again when they reach the max length. This gives me more consistency and consistency = accuracy.

I trim mine when they are too long. I don't measure each one every time either. I always keep the same 20 in the same box togeather. When I am done shooting the box I measure three or four, if they don't need trimming I load them again. If they are long I trim them all. I am not a bench rest shooter.
I trim every time to 2.090 trim length after after every use (yes, I also own a .300 WSM). Does it improve accuracy - I don't know - probably not. Do I mind it? No! In fact because reloading is a hobby, I quiet enjoy it - plus increased consistency in my case length could not hurt (even if it won't help).

Because I like gadgets, I am even considering buying a "Sinclair Chamber Length Gauge". This tool will allow me to trim according to the "actual" length of my chamber.