Trip to the range!!


Dec 2, 2010
Well spring is on the way here in NW WI. I saw 3 robins today and we hit 47 for a high. I also got to go shooting.

I only had time to shoot 3 rifles. First chore was to rezero my 25-06 after Minox fixed the blurry spot on the lense. It is now ready to shoot some 110 AB and see how they perform.

I also worked on my 6BR. I am at the stage of shooting 3 rounds then cleaning for break in. I shot the first 3 rounds then cleaned and got 3 more down the tube. I am noticing some heavy bolt lift with my rifle. I am shooting 29.0 gr of Varget with a 107 Sierra and CCI 450 primer. What I am seeing is that in a string of 3 shots, the bolt gets stiffer on shots 2 and 3. The primers look good. (they are round on the edges) I really don't know what to do at this point other than pull the bullets and drop the charge down to 28.5 grains. A lot of guys are shooting 30 grains of Varget with this size bullet?????

Last up was my father-in-laws 30-06. Today I used 59gr of H4350 with the 165 Partition. I seated them at different depths and shot groups of 4.

2.701" on ogive =1.310"

Last time out, the same charge and length of 2.701 produced a 1.472" group so it looks kind of consistent.

Would you try anything else with the 30-06 or leave it?

What would you do with the 6BR?

It looks like the 165 PT likes being longer. I have had better results running .020" off the rifling with the PT's I have worked with WT. You could also work with the powder charge a little, up and down to see what happens. Sounds like a good range day to me.

For the 30-6. shoot 3 shot groups starting .015" off the lands, magazine length permitting.
Then try .020" and .025" off the lands.

For the 30-06 I would go even more drastic--0.01 off, 0.05 off, 0.09 off, 0.13 off. I would bet one if those would perform better than the others, and go from there.

What kind of barrel do you have on the 6 BR? A Brux by chance?
Just wondered--I have heard of some Brux barrels that had slightly tighter bores than other barrels. Of course many makers make barrels with deliberately tight bores also.

But your barrel might have a slightly tight bore?
I don't know what is up with the BR. I need to do some reading and research on this one.

As far as the 06, I plan on trying different charges next. I think +/- .3gr might show me something. I would be over list max with the +.3gr. After that, I can maybe try some different lengths. 2.701" on the ogive, gives me a .01" jump right now.