Tumbling tipped bullets in hBN, moly


Feb 5, 2009
Has anyone tried tumbling the tipped bullets (E-Tips)in hBN or moly? I was wondering how long does the bullet tip hold up
I have tumbled a couple of thousand B-tips from .22 to 308 without any problems but never E-tips. Dont know why they wouldnt work as well. I was just thinking of doing the same thing but I dont want to moly my .270 bore
I didnt know if it would booger up the tips. Im going to be using hBN. Moly is just to darn messy. I ordered a lb of the hBN last night. Wonder how many bullets that would do?
I moly tumbled both BT's and and SMK with not problems before I gave up on moly. I see no reason you would have any more troubles then those normally associated with Moly and the E=tips. If i still did Moly, I probably would moly the E-tips.
Thank you for the info on the HBN. Where would you get that and where would you get loading info. Is moly loading specs the same as HBN?
am i crazy i still use moly but i use it on my bullets i cast for handguns and i get no leading and i use it on rifle bullets that have a canelure (i cant spell well) and i always thought as long as they had a crimp that made up for the loss in chamber pressure due to the case mouth not holding the bullet tight. so like i said am i crazy?