Two goats down!


Range Officer
Staff member
Oct 30, 2004
My kids Stephan Anna and I went today out to the ranch for antelope. Great time. I used my 300 RUM AWR with 210 Bergers at 3100 fps and got a buck at 326 yards. DRT!
Stephan put a heck of a stalk on a nice male. We had plenty of time so we took our time planning it out. We got into position and out came the Droid phone with Ballistic which is a great app. I lazered the goat at 277 and he did not know we were there. The phone said 1.4 moa so I dialed it in on the Leupy M-1 turrets. A second later he dropped the oat with a shot behind the shoulder. Boom, wack, DRT. Them bergers did great. Small hole going in and cice half dollar hole out the other side. Inside was soup with no meat damage. BTW Anna gutted the second buck with Stephan's help. Not bad for a 14 and 10 year old.



Well done POP! I wish I lived in a state where I could hunt goats more than once every 12 years. I can't wait for my kid to get big enough to go as well. Looks like a blast.

CONGRATULATIONS to Team Speed Goat Busters!
That is just perfect.

Nice shooting to both of you.

Pop, great hunt! That is just awesome! Man, I bet your boy has a firm grip on that Sendero! Man, that is some great stuff! Glad you were able to get out and hunt with the family! Scotty
Yup he wants it now! He is also deadly with his savage 270 Win.
Super report. The smile on your children's faces says it all. Congratulations to Stephen and to Anna, and to you as well, Fotis.
Hey Pop,
Great and thanks for the story! I am envious. I am not sure that I can hunt with my 3 boys this year as 2 are in college and the 3rd is pretty busy. But, hopefully we will get in a hunt...

Great pics, and congrats to your son, and your daughter for being willing to help out! You must be doing something very right.
Great pictures, and great kids. This is a great time of the year to have them out, great weather. Antelope are neat to hunt because you can see a ton in a day. Thanks for sharing!!!!!
Congrats to all of you - as Mike already said - The smiles on their faces say it all !
Good time for all and great to see the kids in the great outdoors - The weather today was beautiful.

Can't blame your Son for wanting the .264 Win - With the 140grainers out of it, he's covered for anything around these parts.
Too awesome Pop! Congrats!! :mrgreen: Those are the memories your kids will have forever, great job!
Good photos of a good hunt! Congratulations.

Kids and hunting go together great. Good to see the tradition continue!
Congratulations on the successful hunt. When your kids are out hunting, especially with you, you don't have to worry about them. Nothing like a big smile on a kids face. I told you those Bergers will make them slosh inside.
Outstanding! Nice shooting by you and my little buddy!

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Great pics POP!! Are the bucks starting to rut?? I will be in glenrock saturday and can't wait to hunt some antelope. The 243AI is ready to rock! 95gr berger hope to see how it does on them.