Using 357 mag brass in 38 special?


Jan 20, 2011
My wife blasts through boxes of shells in her 38 special faster than I can reload them! To save money on brass I was gonna trim down my excess 357 mag brass for use in her 38. Is there anything wrong with that, other than the headstamp will be wrong?
I'd trim two or three of different headstamps and check both wall thickness and case volume. If those are highly comparable to regular 38Spl measurements, I think you'll be fine. Of course, depending on the value of your time, 1000rds of 38Spl is not terribly expensive and might be the better choice.
A very slowwwwwwwwwwww process. Put an add in the classifieds and see if you can't find some free or cheap 38 cases, or trade for your excess.
Thanks guys I figured it would be a slow process but was gonna do it anyway. Maybe I'll post an add and see what happens.
I know I have at least 50 pcs of once fired .38 brass. I'd gladly trade them for some .357 brass.
I'm not sure what your budget will hold, but bulk 38Spl brass (and even loaded ammo) is not terribly expensive. By bulk, I'm talking 500-1000pcs. You can get 1000pcs of 38Spl brass for about $120, and 500pcs is just under $70. You may find it cheaper if you look around. If you're willing to take mixed headstamp once fired brass, a quick search says you can get 2200rds for under $90 plus shipping. From that same site, you can get 290pcs for $17 and free shipping, if you're looking for smaller lots. That ought to keep your wife in lead slinging heaven. You'd better buy some 8lb kegs of powder, too, though. PM me if you need any sourcing info. I don't like to post links online to businesses I've not dealt with directly.
SE, let me check my hoard when I get home. I may be able to let some go for shipping costs.
Thanks for the help you guys are awesome! I've found where I can get 500 pc of brass pretty cheap. But would deal with any of you guys before buying online.

Ft. Campbell used to have an MTU (Marksmanship Training Unit) on post. If there's still one in operation, I'll bet you could score some 38 brass from them, no problem. We used to use a lot of 38 WadCutter ammo for the pistol team while I was there. (1/506th, 77-81).