Varmint-Deer Combo Rifle

The .243, 6MM Rem or .257 Roberts, they're all good. Personally, I'm not a big fan of the .243/6MM guns mostly because while they killed deer, they didn't drop them on the spot of real close by. One dropped DRT but 5 others ran some distance after the hit Blood trails were literally not available and if we'd been hunting country with heavy brush raten that the semi=open ranch pastures a few of those deer might never have been recovered.
I have rifles in .243, 6MM Rem. and .257 Roberts, the Roberts being the newest gun, a Winchester m70 Featherweight. So far I've been shooting 100 gr. Sierras and 100 gr. Barnes TSX bullets in the gun. i'm still trying to find a combonation the gun is happy with. I feel it should be doing better than 1.25" although that's fine for deer. The only varmints I bother with are coyotes so a load with a 100 gr. bullet in any of the three calibers is just fine by me.
Paul B.